I wrote this back on Oct. 14, 2015. If Trump would not have won the election, we would now be living in misery, communism, and not free, or fighting a civil war.
If he loses this election, then the same thing is going to happen.
The leftist's agenda hasn't changed, and they have increased the intensity of their attacks on all the values that makes this country the best in the world. Control the media, create chaos, blame, obstruct and lie about the sitting president. If they get their way, we will become a communist third world land and no, we have no bananas, just political morons and those that vote for them.
Watched the so called democratic "debate" last night and I wasted two and a half hours of my life, although it cured my insomnia.
As a refugee and immigrant to this country, I was taught to work hard and contribute to the greatest country in the world. We did not expect or let the government take care of us. We did not demand that everything be printed in our native language. We knew that through the generosity of the American people, we could live in freedom and we had to embrace the culture, the language, and the Constitution. The American Dream was something that was (and still is) attainable through hard work, not something that was handed down because everyone is entitled to it. I watched these buffoons and they made The Three Stooges look like members of Mensa International.
"Black lives matter " not "all lives matter"? So, do we need to pull out all of our courageous African American men and women who serve and police our country and just let other races handle the dangerous job because they (other races) don't matter? We were all created by one God and everyone matters! Talk about political pandering by five rich white people.
The biggest threat to our security is Global Warming! Stupid humans had to inhabit this planet and create global warming! Don't worry about all those Muslim extremists and other evil people that want to kill us. We need to open our borders and let them in. After all, the only lives that matter are black! I think the biggest threat to our security is electing one of these five. More political pandering.
Free college for everyone, we will let the rich and the 1% (a group that all 5 belong to) pay for it! So, then we will have the highest unemployment rate of educated people in the world. Oh wait, a lot won't bother to graduate, since it won't cost them anything. Man, we got screwed, we had to pay for ours, and my sons had to go to war to get the G.I. bill to pay for theirs. We even have to pay for our cell phones! More political pandering.
Raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, then our paramedics in Madison County can get a big raise by going to work at McDonalds! A Big Mac will now cost $18.99, but your order will be correct. More political pandering. Starting to see a pattern here?
Mandatory paid leave time, so you can hop from job to job and collect a paycheck for not being there. Never mind that your employer will soon go bankrupt. We will make the rich and 1% pay for being successful!
And when the rich go broke, who is going to pay for this?
Create jobs by rebuilding infrastructure? Remember Obama's stimulus package? Trillions spent and the roads in the city of Madison make your teeth chatter when you drive over them, but I-10 gets paved every couple of years, need it or not?
And do these men really want to be POTUS? They had a chance to go after Hellary on Benghazi and her emails but chose not to discuss this. Perhaps they are scared after what happens to anyone that crosses the Clintons. It’s all the N.R.A's fault! And Hellary deserves to be POTUS because she is a woman! And no more wars. The world loves us and will let us live in peace, and we don't have to read anything we vote on!
Now I have friends that support the democratic agenda and that is their right, and this is not meant to offend anyone. Having lost my birth country to socialists who later embraced communism and destroyed freedom and the country, I am Blessed to live in a country that allows me to express my opinion and where my life matters.
Juan Botino
Recently I celebrated my 59th Thanksgiving, having arrived at the greatest country ever in 1961. I am grateful to all Americans, the most generous people in the world. I have friends on the opposite side of me politically. I still love them and respect them, just like I love my friends that practice a different denomination. After all, this would not be America if we did not allow free thinking and individual freedom. We were all created by one God and we will all one day die and be judged by Him.
My wish is that while we are on this journey called life, we could all get along, respect each other, and have civil discussions. My views are mine, based on my experiences as a young child growing up in communist Cuba. I never want my or your children and grandchildren to experience what I did.
Many brave men and women have sacrificed so that we can continue to live in freedom. Unfortunately, there are those that advocate for socialism and communism. I strongly oppose those ideals.
I'm not willing to give up my right to worship my God again. I'm not willing to give up my right to own a weapon to defend myself and my family again or to be told what I'm allowed to own. I'm not willing to go hungry again or to be told where I can go, what job I'm going to do, what I can study, what I'm allowed to say, and what I'm allowed to read.
Being humans, we will never be perfect, and there is always room for improvement...our country is not perfect, but it is the best there is. It offers hope, success for those willing to work for it, and most of all, freedom to be ourselves. May God continue to Bless America – the land that I love.
Juan Botino