Aboriginal History for May
May 14, 1607: Jamestown, VA, the first permanent English colony in North America, is founded in the heart of the Powhatan chiefdom. At first, the colonists, decimated by sickness and starvation, depend on Indians for survival.
May 15, 1812: Twelve Indian nations hold grand council with Tecumseh at Mississinewa village at the junction of the Wabash and Mississinewa rivers near present-day Peru, Indiana. The Wyandots, Miami, Potawatomies, Delaware and Kickapoos urge Tecumseh to
restrain his young warriors lest all tribes suffer at the hands of the whites. Tecumseh denies that his followers are a threat to the whites and rebukes the chiefs for selling their people out at the Treaty of Fort Wayne.
May 16, 1760: Creek warrior Chief Hobbythacco (Handsome Fellow) has often supported the English, but, at the outbreak of the Cherokee war, he decides to support the Cherokees. He leads an attack on a group of English traders in Georgia. Thirteen of the traders are killed during the fighting. Creek Chief "The Mortar" also participates in the fighting.
May 17, 1629: According to a deed, Sagamore Indians, including Passaconaway, sell a piece of land in what becomes Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
May 18, 1661: Captain John Odber is ordered by the Maryland General Assembly to take 50 men and go to the "Susquesahannough Forte." According to a treaty signed on May 16, Maryland is required to help protect the Susquehannocks from raids by the Seneca. Odber’s force is to fulfill that part of the treaty.
May 19, 1796: Congress passes "An Act Making Appropriations for Defraying the Expenses Which May Arise in Carrying into Effect a Treaty Made Between the United States and Certain Indian Tribes, Northwest of the River Ohio."
May 20, 1702: Franciscans have established the Mission of Santa Fe de Toluca at one of the largest Timucua villages in northern Florida. Apalachicola Indians fight a battle with Spanish and Mission Indians. Both side lose a considerable number of fighters before the Apalachicolas finally gain the upper hand.
May 21, 1832: As a part of Black Hawk’s War, a group of approximately 50 Potawatomis attack a settlement on Indian Creek near modern Ottawa, Illinois. 15 settlers are killed in the fighting. This is often called the "Indian Creek Massacre." This is also reported to have happened on May 20.
May 22, 1851: As one of the last conflicts in the Mariposa Indian Wars in California, a large group of Yosemite Indians are captured at Lake Tenaija.
May 23, 1838: Under the provisions of the New Echota Treaty of December 29, 1835, this the deadline for Cherokees to emigrate to the Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma). Any Cherokees still east of the Mississippi River, after today, are force to leave. Only an estimated 2,000 Cherokees have emigrated to the Indian Territory by today's date, according to government estimates. General Winfield Scott is charged with removing the recalcitrant Cherokees. Many are forced from their homes at bayonet point. The illegal treaty is publicly proclaimed by President Jackson, two years ago, on this date.
May 24, 1996: President Bill Clinton issues the “Indian Sacred Sites” executive order. It makes it mandatory for federal agencies to accommodate access to sacred sites and allow Native Americans ceremonial use of the land.