Mike Johnson
ECB Publishing, Inc.
On Sunday, July 11, Olive Baptist Church held its 190th Homecoming Anniversary. The celebration was a Hawaiian themed event with bright and colorful decorations. Members of the congregation wore Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian-style shirts. The Guest speaker for this year’s service was Pastor Mark Prevett from San Pedro Church in Perry.
During the service, the congregation went through the church's history going over the modifications that the building had undergone through the years. After 190 years, Olive Baptist Church has grown, including the building and congregation and the church body still believes in adhering to the Baptist Faith and Message of 2000. Baptist churches, associations and general bodies have adopted confessions of faith as a witness to the world, and as instruments of doctrinal accountability.
The congregation showed appreciation to two of their members, Bury Fulford and George Willis, for over 60 years of commitment and dedication. They not only see them as members... but as family. Keeping members such as the two of them has helped with the teachings for the newer generations as well as passing down the church's history.
The Pastor David During put together seven trivia questions on the church's history, and the winner of the trivia game was Carol Prevett, who answered the most questions out of the seven.
After the service and all the activities, food and beverages were served. Olive Baptist Church wants to give a big thanks to everyone that helped put together this year’s homecoming. Special thanks goes to the guest speaker Pastor Mark Prevett for a wonderful service and Allen Day for providing music during and after all activities.
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