Appreciation program to honor Rev. Joretha Sloan
Laura Young
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Memorial Missionary Baptist Church invites the community to an appreciation program honoring Rev. Joretha Sloan, Interim Pastor of the Memorial M. B. Church. The program will take place on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024, at 3 p.m. at the church, which is located at 780 2nd St. in Monticello. The program will be presented by Rev. Barry Graham and his congregation from New Jersey M. B. Church of Dixie, Ga.
Rev. Sloan has been the head shepherd at Memorial M.B. Church since the untimely death of the late Reverend Dr. J.B. Duval.
For additional information concerning this program, contact Sister Dorothy Wise at (850) 933-9282.