Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc.
Aucilla Christian Academy (ACA) Class of 1978 held its 40-year Class Reunion on Saturday evening at the Monticello home of Hal and Becky Shuman Bennett. The event was very well-attended with 18 classmates and their guests coming together to reminisce about school days past and catch up on what's been going on in their lives since high school. Classmates attending included: Jim Anderson, Becky Shuman Bennett, James Cobb, Rose Bishop Crowder, Bruce Curry, Eddie Demott, Kirk Edens, Sandra Miller Gavins, Connie Grubbs Barfield, Debbie Glover Hall, Mary Pate Handley, Peggy Patterson Leonard, Bud Rich, Lynn Davis Saunders, Bill Saunders, Lynette Connell Sirmon, Sue Reams Tuten and Elaine Wimberly Whittington. 38 seniors graduated from ACA in 1978, since that time four have passed away; Keith Brock, Bryan Hopson, Jake Sullivan and Paul Wilkins. Reunions for this class from now on will be held on the fourth Saturday of April each year. Receiving awards for traveling the farthest was Kirk Edens who travelled from California and Peggy Leonard who lives in Oklahoma. Winning a gift for a show of hands of who had the most grandchildren was Sue Reams Tuten with seven grandchildren.