I was thinking of a moment in time. One that is etched in books.
The time was when Moses was plucked out of the waters and raised in wealth and prosperity… As he grew older he was sent to the monument being built.
Upon his arrival, a slave was being beaten, because she (he) was tired and could not work any faster. Moses saw this was not right. He grabbed the whip and beat the guard to his death, left his homeland for the Promised Land. Moses went to the un-holy land to tell the Pharaoh (the king) to let his people go.
As I celebrate Black History Month, I will never forget the Negro’s who helped build the White House, home now of our oppressor who gazes upon us as slaves. So, here’s to all who were brought to this country against their will. To those who (believed) of a new life in a world of uncertainty…
Are you truly in the land of the “Free”? The home of the “Brave”?
Cynthia Mahoney