Monticello Garden Club and Jefferson County Historical Association will hold their third Camellia Show on Saturday, February 3 at the Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church. This show has been held every-other year to spur an interest in growing camellias. It is free to the public.
Gardeners should bring blooms to the show from 8:00 until 10:00. Blooms need no more than a 3-4 inch stems and must have 2 leaves from the plant of the bloom thought they do not have to be attached to the bloom. Gardeners should be prepared to fill out a form with their name and telephone number. A printed address label is an easy and quick way to take care of that chore. Blooms will be judges from 10:00-10:30 and the show will be open to the public from 11:00-1:00. Gardeners may collect their blooms and ribbons after 12:00
The Jefferson County Historical Association will host a Camellia Show Luncheon at historical Dilworth-Barnhill, 345 E. Washington Street from 11:30 until 2:00. Proceeds from the luncheon will aid the historical Wirick Simmons House. We encourage you to invite a friend and come out for lunch and support the Jefferson County Historical Association
Our show is not a national or state sanctioned show but rather for gardeners to share what grows in their yards. We want gardeners and home owners to realize the treasures they have in their gardens.
Having many older homes in our mist, we are fortunate to have many gardens with fine examples of what is known as “heirloom” camellias. These plants are the original root stock from which modern day camellias come from. Monticello gardeners have been encouraged to nurture these heirloom plants so they are preserved for future generations. Owners of these gardens are urged to take cuttings and grafts from these heirloom plants to ensure that this rootstock does not die out. The Camellia plant came to us from China and it is a beautiful, well shaped evergreen plant. It is attractive in the garden even when it is not the blooming season. When in bloom, a plant may bloom for two months. The Camellia culture is a large and fascinating one. Several large well know Camellia Shows are held not far from us as in Quitman, Ga., Thomasville, Ga. and Tallahassee.

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