A young boy spent several days making a small boat to play with in the water. Finally, it was ready for its maiden voyage, so he carried it to the edge of…
Category: Church
Pastor Spotlight – Daryl Adams
Ramsey Sullivan ECB Publishing, Inc. It is uncommon for a pastor to be at a church for more than two years. Pastor Daryl Adams has far exceeded that statistic and has been…
The reason for the season comes to life
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. One of the things that can be a treat at Christmas is living nativity scenes. This year, many local Christmas activities have been canceled or scaled back…
Church Member Spotlight – Mark Johnson
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. This week’s church member spotlight shines on Evangelist Mark Johnson from Out of the Doors Outreach Ministry, meeting at 685 S. Jefferson St., in Monticello, where he…
Church Member Spotlight Jeremy Cooper
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. In the beam of the church member spotlight this week is Jeremy Cooper, who attends Renewed Life Outreach Center, which meets at 13752 W. US Hwy. 90…
Church Member Spotlight – Nicholas Ochoa
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. Nicholas Ochoa came to the United States from Honduras 29 years ago and, since 2015, has been a member of the Central Church of Christ in Monticello….
Helping their neighbors
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. It’s been said that teamwork is what counts, and one thing Monticello is good at is fostering teamwork among the people of our community. Teamwork came together…
Church Member Spotlight Dr. Samuel Diaz
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. In the beam of the church member spotlight this week is Dr. Samuel Diaz, DVM. Samuel and his wife, Dr. Maria Diaz, JD., have been attending the…
Church Member Spotlight Violet Hatcher, Kathy Howes and the Ladies in Faith Together (L.I.F.T) Ministry of First Baptist Church of Lloyd.
Giving women a L.I.F.T Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. COVID-19 has pushed a lot of people to do things differently. Even weekly small group Bible studies are not able to meet like…
Church Member Spotlight George W. Pittman Sr.
Story Submitted This week’s church member spotlight shines on George W. Pittman Sr., of Memorial Missionary Baptist Church (MMBC). Pittman Sr. has been an active member of MMBC for over six decades….
In the spotlight: Chris and Molly Williams
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. The church member spotlight this week falls on Chris and Molly Williams. Molly is a lifelong Jefferson County resident, while her husband, Chris, is originally from California…
Drive-In with Wacissa Youth First
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. Wacissa Youth First is hosting a drive-in movie night on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at 12837 Gamble Rd, Monticello. The purpose of…
Thanking Olivia Flowers for fifty years of service
Story Submitted Fifty years ago, Olivia Flowers and a small group at Christ Episcopal Church began a ministry to people in Jefferson County in need of food. When they heard of a…
Church Member Spotlight – Wayne “Snap” “Butch” Prevatt
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. If there is one thing any organization desires, it is long term members. Organizations, be they churches or business, need long term people for growth and stability….
Remember the Old Game Show: TO TELL THE TRUTH
Michael A. Feehan, O.M. M.Div Pastor / Chaplain JCSO Wacissa PH Church The old game show “To Tell the Truth”, was a show in which four celebrity panelists are presented with three…
Church Member Spotlight Dean Jerger, FUMC
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. Dean Jerger has been very active at First United Methodist Church of Monticello for 20 years. He and his wife have enjoyed 50 years of marriage, and,…
Church Member Spotlight: Charlie Reichert
Steve Cordle ECB Publishing, Inc. Our church member spotlight focuses on Charlie Reichert, a native of Jefferson County, born 95 years ago on July 11, 1925. Reichert served in the U.S. Navy…
Ralph Wrightstone: putting God first
Kathrine Alderman ECB Publishing, Inc. Ralph Wrightstone is a pastor who has been serving the United Methodist Church since 1994. He lives in Monticello, and his last appointment was as Waukeenah. He…
Church Member Spotlight: Linda Demott
Debbie Snapp ECB Publishing, Inc. Linda Gramling Demott has always loved going to church. As a matter-of-fact, she sought out a church family all by herself. As a youngster, she lived in…
Church Member Spotlight – Angie Perry
Angie Perry was born and raised in Chicago and has been a member at Central Baptist Church in Aucilla since 2016. Angie and her husband, Bob, have been married for 30 years…
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