It is easy to say 40 years is a long time to do just about anything; but for the Kiwanis Club of Monticello, an organization with 93 years of serving Monticello, 40…
Category: Community News
Fundraiser for July 4th Fireworks presentation is underway
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc. American Legion Post 49 continues to collect donations for the upcoming July 4th Ceremony and Fireworks presentation. The Fireworks presentation will be put on by Bubba Bullock…
Enter your water-loving dog into the Ultimate Air Dog competition
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. One of the big attractions of the Jefferson County Watermelon Festival will be the Ultimate Air Dogs competition. Founded by former Detroit Tigers pitcher Milt Wilcox and…
American Legion to hold Officers Installation on June 12
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc. American Legion Post 49, its Auxiliary Unit and the Sons of the American Legion will hold ceremonies on Tuesday, June 12 for installation of the new year’s…
Children’s author to hold book signing at Jefferson Library
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Faith Harkey, a back-roads traveling author of children’s books who ‘recharges her batteries’ in Tallahassee, will be at the Jefferson County Library on Friday, June 8. While…
Tampa Taiko coming to Monticello
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Tampa Taiko, a traditional Japanese Performing Arts group based out of Tampa Bay, FL, will be performing at the Jefferson County Library on Saturday, June 9 from…
Birth control pills recalled due to placebo capsules
Ashley Hunter ECB Publishing, Inc. Women who are taking Taytulla brand birth control pills may want to give their pill packs a second look, as Allergan, the drug company that produces Taytulla,…
Dalayna Nolan and Kenzie Key Crowned 2018 Miss and Teen Miss Watermelon Queens
Seven other children crowned as new royalty in the Baby to Junior Miss Watermelon Pageant Emerald G. Parsons, ECB Publishing, Inc. The Jefferson County Miss Watermelon Queen, Teen Miss Watermelon Queen and…
Featured Local Artist: Steve Isbell
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. There is very little that Steve Isbell, a local artist and creator, cannot do. From putting together functioning instruments made from household items and cigar boxes, to…
Girl Scout Council seeking nominations for Women of Distinction Awards
Story Submitted It’s that time of year again that the Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle, Inc. is looking for highly distinguished women in the community who truly stand out for…
Graveside Memorial Service held at Roseland Cemetery
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc. For more than 115 years, Alvin Brianard Munger, a 2nd Lieutenant and a Union soldier in the U.S. Army and William Allen Walker, a soldier of the…
Memorial Service with New Bethel AME Church
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing Inc. A Memorial Service of Remembrance for military veterans laid to rest at New Bethel Cemetery was held during the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Though the rain kept…
New to the Monticello Police Department: John Mack Smith
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing Inc. New to the Monticello Police Department, and to his law enforcement career, is Patrolman John Mack Smith. Smith was hired just two months ago, in March. He…
Confederate Memorial Day celebrated
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing Inc. The State of Florida and the Florida Legislature designated that April is Confederate History Month. So, on April 29 the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Major Pickens Bird…
Watermelon Festival Baby Photo Contest participants wanted
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc. It’s that time again for the Watermelon Festival Baby Photo Contest. Join in the fun by participating in this annual event. Each year this event draws a…
My Brothers’ Burden Walk: Marching For the Lives of Firefighters
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. The jobs of firefighters are usually dangerous; when others run away from fires, explosions, disasters and danger, firefighters run directly into the threat. Firefighters know the risks…
Stars of today; Heroes of tomorrow
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Six graduating students at Jefferson Somerset were honored and acknowledged on Friday, May 4 at a signing ceremony. The six students, Quashawn Hernandez, Mark Vinson, Elliot Robinson, Jadica…
New Section: Adoptable Animals from Wolf Creek Pet Adoption Center
You may be seeing a new section in the newspaper from time to time, as reporter Ashley Hunter gets the scoop on special adoptable animals living at the Wolf Creek Pet Adoption…
Fun for all at the 12th Annual Mayhaw Berry Harvest Festival
Ashley Hunter, iECB Publishing, Inc. It is a weekend of good, old fashioned fun; of hayrides, storytellers by the bonfire, crafts, music and more! On Friday afternoon, May 11, the festival starts…
Tour the springtime countryside with the Monticello Bike Fest!
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing Inc. Cycling and outdoor enthusiasts! Get ready, the 4th Annual Monticello Bike Fest will be pedaling into Jefferson County on Saturday, May 12. The bike fest, which…