The new year is approaching. There really isn’t an actual barrier between this year and next year – we wake up like it’s any ordinary day, but it feels different, somehow. “Next…
Category: Editorials
From the Sunny Side: Mama Patrick
I recently had the opportunity to attend a banquet honoring those important school workers who work “behind the scenes” as what is referred to now as “School Related Employees.” Although school teachers…
Ponderings…Finding hope
My parents were far from perfect. There are a great many things about my childhood that shouldn’t have happened the way that they did, and in some ways, I’ll spend the rest…
Ponderings…Health in hindsight
What would you do, if you could peer into your own future, and see the ways your life will change? Would you change the things about your life that will bring upon…
During hurricane Helene, we lost several beautiful trees on the property we live on. While we were extremely fortunate that none of the trees hit any significant structures, we are sorry to…
From the Sunny Side: Heroes to the rescue
I am a big fan of old western movies. The really cheesy kind where the settlers are surrounded and it seems all hope is lost until, just in time, the cavalry or…
Ponderings…Or so I’ve heard
Rumors can be a tricky thing to navigate, particularly when one lives in a small town. The nature of an effective rumor is to be enticing, interesting and often scandalous! Although a…
Ponderings: Weathering storms
One of my dogs’ names is Ollie. Ollie is a great dog; she is eager to please and happy to receive attention. She’ll do just about anything for a treat, and will…
Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) is the Republican nominee for vice president. He just turned 40 a few weeks ago so he is quite young, elected to public office for the first time…
National Security Matters – Jobs
Political watchers tell us that there are three main issues that matter to voters this fall – the economy, the border, and crime or EBC. Whichever candidate and/or party best addresses these…
Ponderings…. Thoughts on friendship
A few months ago, someone asked me if it was weird for me, being the “only girl” in my group of friends. I admit, the question took me a little by surprise,…
Ponderings…Current state of affairs
I’ve had to take a big step back from the media lately, because it fills me to the brim with anxiety. You may be wondering how someone who works in the media…
Ponderings… Distant promises
I find myself looking at the clouds a lot during the summer months. Maybe it’s the artist in me that relishes the shapes and depths and vibrant hues as the shapes climb…
Do Politics bring out the worst in people or do politics bring out the “real” in people?
Political Season……. Most of us cannot wait to see it get over! Even those who are running for office seem to anticipate the end of it. But why is that? Is it…
Newspapers could be a future Gen Z trend
One thing that has become clear about my generation is that we have a trend of bringing back trends. Generation Z has a pattern of bringing vintage styles and items back as…
Ponderings…Storms ahead
When I was still a child growing up in the suburbs of Orlando, I really loved hurricane season. It felt exciting to pick up stray sticks in the yard and tie down…
Obey local heat advisory – How hot is too hot?
Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing, Inc. The dog days of summer are upon us, and many Monticello residents have probably noticed that the days have been especially long and hot. Local weather apps…
Ponderings…The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee 2024
Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing, Inc As of Friday, June 28, the Ainsley-Abbott Itty Bitty Kitty Committee has gained another member of its very esteemed board of directors. Currently working in this organization…
A “Mr. Rick” day – I promise I really was working
Since the Good Lord above, in His infinite wisdom, saw to it that the universe would be better off if I never had any kids of my own, I have experienced great…
The other side of the coffee table
Grief is a funny thing, really. Sad, yes, but funny nonetheless. It is such a universal emotion, and yet it can make someone feel so alone and isolated, as if no one…
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