Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing, Inc. February 14 is Valentine’s Day, and for many couples and hopeful romantics across the country, that means rushing out to the nearest grocery market and getting the…
Category: Editorials
National Security Matters – Foreign Policy
Thinking about the world situation today and our nation’s foreign policy, I cannot help but recognize the passing last year of Henry Kissinger. The man was a foreign policy genius for most…
Ponderings…All the best intentions
I sometimes get letters from people who read my writing and feel that they’d like to say something to me. These are the best moments, as I can communicate and get to…
Ponderings…Finding a purpose
As humans, we go about our daily lives (at least, most of us do) looking for a grand purpose. We want our lives to be impactful, to mean something. It’s all just…
Ponderings…In the meantime
It seems like just yesterday I was typing up my first column of the new year, something about ‘cold snaps and new years,’ where I discussed the 18 degree snap freeze that…
Ponderings…Warm winter wishes
Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing, Inc. The 21st of December is the Winter Solstice, one of many significant observances that take place in the last few months of the year, and one of…
Ponderings…A year in review
Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing. Inc. 2023 is approaching an end. In hindsight, this year was not without difficulties. In fact, it was quite full of constantly complicating situations and challenges. If each person…
Ponderings…Things to keep in mind
Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing, Inc. This time of year always fills me with introspection. Maybe it is the cold, quiet weather, the evenings that come too soon. Maybe it is how distant the…
Ponderings…Among those things
This is the perfect time of year for reflection. The sun sets sooner (or appears to because we moved our clocks around), so the world gets dark and cold much sooner than…
Ponderings…Problem solving
I’d like to offer an update on the progress of dear Ali, the feral cat I have welcomed into my home. She is finally warming back up to me after her traumatic…
Ponderings…Risking it all: Part 3
Heather Ainsley ECB Publishing, Inc. This is the third part to my previous column about dear Ali, my feral cat friend that I kidnapped and brought home with me. When I last left…
Ponderings…Fields of life
Not every day is going to be an amazing day. There are going to be days that sit in your soul like a bag of old socks, crusty and festering, putrid and…
Ponderings…Power to the people
There is nothing that is so swiftly humbling as being without power for a prolonged period of time after a significant storm has been unleashed upon you and your home. There’s just…
From the Mayor’s office
As Mayor of the great City of Monticello, I am delighted to serve in this capacity and be a blessing to the fine citizens found here in Monticello. There is no other…
Ponderings…Weighing the options
Last weekend, I saw a lot of frustrated people. The cancelation of the Watermelon Festival was a bit of a sucker-punch all around, made worse by the fact that the weather turned…
As the years go by
It was just yesterday that I turned 15 years old. At least, it feels that way sometimes. In reality, I turned 31 this May. They are funny things, birthdays; they feel so…
Ponderings…Finding your focus
It never fails. You sit down to work on something important; you’ve got your cup full of hot tea or coffee, your favorite brain-food snack within arms reach, your mind at the…
A New Mother’s Wisdom
Aaron Cohen and Minnie Golub, both Russian immigrants, lived in the same five-story tenement house on Mercer Street in New York’s Lower East Side. They knew each other only by sight. Since…
Opinion Editorial: Unlocking Floridians’ economic potential through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the importance of access to reliable and affordable broadband Internet service in our daily lives, which makes available an almost limitless amount of information; provides a platform for…
Ponderings…Safety in numbers
I saw a video the other day, and along with the video came a very important lesson, one I feel is important to share. In the video, a woman was describing something…