Lovely Monticello, a sleeping relic from the olden days. You can imagine the horse drawn wagons, of a century ago, plying the dirt streets. They say some houses are haunted. But there…
Category: Letters to the Editor
Fear mongering and propaganda
We can all probably remember an incident at school when a rumor was spread. It propagated fast and wide from person to person and the more it was repeated the more it…
Just thinking…
Are not we under self isolation order? Why is it that the viral pathogens of so many corridors trying to invade our house. We did not give our permission nor have we…
Florida Aquifer’s Exploitation and Future
March 15 The Palm Beach Post ran an article on the front page of their Sunday Business Section about a situation in High Springs. A family that owns land with springs on…
Why so urgent?
Why couldn’t they wait and give the public more of an opportunity to voice their opinion? Despite the virus, a thunderstorm with lightning and tornado watches, bad reception, and most importantly three…
Where you stand depends on where you sit
For those of us “sitting” in Jefferson County by choice, we like the rural community lifestyle and county landscape. We want to protect and preserve it for ourselves and future generations. NextEra…
Sunset Over Corona
The world knows not when this virus will end. Our country longs to return to what was. We, as a people, need to be careful to what we are willing to return…
The real threat
I wrote a letter about a month ago that spoke about conspiracy theories. Friends of mine believe the Democrats are conspiring with China to initiate this horrible virus. As I observe the…
Context is everything
In her “Letter to the Editor,” published April 23, 2020, regarding the financial audit completed by Florida’s Auditor General of the elected Jefferson County School Board, Superintendent Marianne Arbulu stated, “Context is…
Did you know?
Dear Editor, Context is everything. Did you know that the district received the best financial audit for FY18-19 that it has had in years? Did you know that the Jefferson County School…
Rebuttal of Rebuttal: Virus
I would like to respond to the accusations towards me by a young man. First of all, I was accused of being a rambler. Well, that’s really cool, because my wife calls…
Big Bend Hospice assists caregivers during COVID-19
Caregivers are facing extreme challenges due to COVID-19 and the effects of social distancing and isolation. More than 43 million Americans have provided unpaid care to an adult or child within the…
Traffic lights are coming/April Fools
I walk in our community almost everyday and use the crosswalks when available to ensure my safety. I don’t need a traffic light to get me across the road, but what is…
Rebuttal: Virus
This letter is in response to the March 24, 2020 article entitled “Virus.” I am not going to discuss the substance of the author’s ramblings because it doesn’t deserve to be dignified…
More misinformation from Aucilla Research Institute
I have degrees in Math and Quantitative Analysis but what qualifies me to comment on ARI’s presentation is my work experience for multiple technical companies where I saw thousands of four color…
The addiction of government dependence
One thing the corona virus pandemic has made clear is the high number of school children that are dependent upon government (via taxpayers) for meals. Both Florida and federal data show that…
The wizard behind the curtain
I didn’t know that my friend Phil Calandra was a scientist. I do know that he holds forth on an astonishing verity of subjects; a virtual Leonardo in our midst. In the…
Aucilla Research Institute responds to letter
This is in response to a recent letter to the editor regarding a presentation by scholars from the Aucilla Research Institute (ARI) to the Jefferson County Board of County Commission. A comment…
I was talking to someone the other day, and he had a conspiracy theory regarding this COVID-19. He believes that the Democrats infiltrated China with the disease. At first, it sounded like…
Aucilla Research Institute goes political on toll road
ARI, a locally grown 501C3 nonprofit, is focused on archaeological and historic sites. They do field work and have a back office lab for analytical support. They do research and offer educational…