Joyful Noise has become a well-attended and anticipated event in our County. We appreciate the support for Big Bend Hospice (BBH) that has been provided for our community for many years. We…
Category: Letters to the Editor
Wishful Hidden Treasure?
For those of you who thought Washington would finally get back to governing and undertaking the public’s essential business once Special Council Muller’s report was finalized, buckle your seatbelts!! The outright refusal…
Put aside issues with Somerset and put the students first
I am writing as the parent of a student at Somerset, regarding the remarks made by School Board chair Shirley Washington, as printed in the March 29 edition of the Jefferson Journal….
Hat’s off to Mr. Oliver
I am trying to understand Shirley Washington. First of all, I don’t. If she is all about the education of the children, then why did the district have to turn over the…
High Voltage Line
I read with concern your article, “High Voltage Line to Cross Jefferson County.” First, the headline implies this is a done deal. It is not. The impacted residents are fighting this project,…
Proud to be an engaged voter
I would like to begin by acknowledging Ashley Hunter’s great column in the last issue of the Jefferson Journal, “Who Speaks For You?” Ms. Hunter’s insightful piece motivated me to re-examine who…
Sieg heil!!
I just saw on national TV that thousands of our children across the country walked out of school to demand legislators do something about climate change and in support of the new…
Democrats demand gun ban following New Zealand massacre
The Democrats are notorious for making other people’s problems their own. Shortly, perhaps minutes, after New Zealand announced prohibitions against semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) tweeted the “U.S. needs…
The multi-use trail
I am a Jefferson county resident. I have been a victim of hit and run while biking on 19N. I still ride thousands of miles around north Jefferson County on my bike….
Jesus Wept
At a time when states like New York are placing the right to murder an unborn baby in their constitution even to say that the procedure does not have to be performed…
“If socialist understood economics they wouldn’t be socialist.” Friedrich Hayek The greatest threat facing the United States today doesn’t come from China, Iran, or even Russia; it’s the growing number of Americans,…
A quick History of Cuban Socialism
Pedro has a job, a ’59 Chevy, a home, a farm where he grows sugarcane and has all kinds of animals, including a donkey. Pedro has worked hard all his life to…
Are you kidding me??
Venezuela is about to explode, Israel is on the verge of war in the Gaza with Hamas, China is building islands for fighter aircraft and building aircraft carriers with the aim to…
President’s Day
February 22 is George Washington’s birthday and February 12 is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. As all Americans should know, Washington was America’s first president. His amazing unselfed service to God and our country…
The Gift that could have been
When I moved to Jefferson County in 1973 there was a railroad running from Lamont to the Georgia line. I could hear the train and was taken in by the romance of…
More on A-building
As a Jefferson County resident , am I the only one who thinks that spending another taxpayer dime on the “restoration” of Building A of the old Jefferson High School is a…
Spending priorities
I’d rather spend $20,000 on a bike trail we all can use than $200,000 for the misadventures of an elected official that benefits only him. I’m all for a second chance, but…
The value of being involved in your local government
A friend that did political work at the Legislature once observed that if you were not at the table for an issue, your issue may end up on the table, or die….
20 years and still on-going. Me wonders when you ‘Comissioners’ will have enough. What right do you have to keep on spending Taxpayer $$ on the Jefferson County ‘White elephant’? At what…
Supporting businesses and charities in our town
Dear Editor, I’ve just returned from Two Sisters – our local haven for artisans in Jefferson County – to pick up my share of the sales for December. I was pretty excited…