Fifty years (50) went by in the blink of an eye. You are my childhood friends and my heart’s memories. All of you are an important part of my life and I…
Category: Letters to the Editor
Don’t throw trash in my yard and then claim I never clean up
I have a message for George Pouliette. Your recent letter to the editor caught my attention and I am extremely curious to know why exactly you consider Katie Hopkins to be a…
Anti Gun Kids
Kids walked out of school again last week, In memory of the Columbine and the Parkland shootings by two mentally disturbed youths. Unfortunately, these kids have no idea what is really going…
Florida’s continuing sports welfare
Yesterday the Tampa Bay Times reported how Pinellas County is spending over $41 million in bed tax revenue to pay for improvements to a stadium used by the Toronto Blue Jays, a…
Thank you
I would like to issue a huge THANK YOU to: First United Methodist Church, Capital Heights Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, Elizabeth Baptist Church, Hiram Lodge #5, Kiwanis Club, and Waukeenah Methodist…
AR-15/30-Round Magazines
As everyone should be aware, a lot of people have gone off half-cocked (no pun intended) as a result of the terrible South Florida shooting. A number of people have a fundamental…
Letter to Editor
Being a Merchant in the downtown area of Monticello, I take exception to the recent article, and the picture of my business posted in the Jefferson Journal dated Friday, February 23, 2018…
A (Not for Children) Children’s Story
Submitted by Sheila T. Slik A small child was playing with his wooden blocks in his room. He built a big beautiful bridge. No one knows why, but he found something about…
An Open Letter From The Jefferson County School District
As we grieve for our Parkland school families and staff, and fear for children at all schools , we must acknowledge that things have to change. We cannot abide the glorification of…
Please help save Healthy Start
Florida’s Healthy Start is in jeopardy. Deep cuts proposed in the budget this year means services to high risk pregnant women and infants could be eliminated. The Healthy Start legislation in 1991…
An Open Letter From The Jefferson County School District
As we grieve for our Parkland school families and staff, and fear for children at all schools , we must acknowledge that things have to change. We cannot abide the glorification of…
Public’s access to Ward Creek /Lake Miccosukee threatened
Once again, after a five-year lull, special interests are attempting to grab Ward Creek (which is an upper arm of Lake Miccosukee, in Jefferson County) from public use and enjoyment and into…
Thank you!
In my travels around Jefferson County, I have noticed our roadsides accumulation of litter. In the past, I would see Prison Inmates cleaning up various areas but haven’t noticed any lately. One…
Helping others- what makes Jefferson County great
Sunday afternoon on the way home from church a large tree had fallen across US 90 near South Main blocking both lanes. When I stopped to help clear it, despite the rain,…
“Shalom, peace be with you.”
My name is Bailar. Richard Bailar, or Rev. Dr. R. J. Bailar, or just plain Dick. I am 89. I was an Infantry enlisted man and officer for five years. I have…
Reference to Dec. 29th article regarding BP oil spill
The way I understood the article can be summed up that we are receiving 14 million dollars tax free money from the government. Something didn’t seem to be right. At the core…
It has been brought to my attention that our volunteers are having some problems where they are giving their time and love for the community. This is unacceptable. Volunteers are our backbone….
Coming Home
We were working a show in Ft. Walton Beach a few weekends ago, when a young Marine I had met a couple of years ago asked me to sit and talk with…
Letter to the Editor
My very first visit to the County Commission was 7 years ago on January 4, 2011. One of the topics being discussed was the historic “A” school building. My very first letter…
Yea for CRC!!!!!!!!
We the People of this United States have longed for so long for our elected officials to have Term Limits!!!!!! If one becomes too comfortable then the job performance suffers. I wholeheartedly…