Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc. Students attending Aucilla Christian Academy are back at school for the new 2018-2019 year. Most of the students are excited to be back, meeting up with old…
Category: School
Resources for parents of Jefferson Somerset students
Story Submitted Well, it is about that time again! Back-to-School is in full swing. Schedules have been set, school supply shelves are stocked at local stores, new teachers are organizing their rooms…
Harvest Center Summer Program wraps up another successful year
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. On Friday, July 27, the Harvest Center Enrichment Program held its End of the Summer Enrichment Program within the Jefferson Somerset cafeteria. The program was an opportunity…
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Bruce and Linda Leinback Create NFCC Scholarship
To honor family, help Jefferson County Students Story submitted When Bruce and Linda Leinback decided to develop an endowed scholarship at North Florida Community College, they knew it would focus on nursing,…
Jennifer Page steps into new role as Dean of Academic Affairs at North Florida Community College
Story submitted Jennifer Page stepped onto the North Florida Community College campus as a student, recently graduated from Suwannee High School, in 1995 and essentially began her NFCC career. She began accumulating…
Kercher and Rosmini on Academic Dean’s List at NFCC
Article Submitted Victoria R. Kercher and Gabriel J. Rosmini, both of Monticello, were recognized for academic achievement with 48 other North Florida Community College students named to the Academic Dean’s List at…
Jefferson Somerset Improves State Rated Grades At All Levels
Story Submitted Jefferson County has a new reason to be hopeful and optimistic about the future. Our children are always the brightest reason for hope and hard work to come together to…
Free school supplies and health screenings at Back to School Event
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. On Saturday, July 28, All God’s Children Outreach Ministry will be holding its Back To School Community Event from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Children and families…
Jefferson Somerset Students Attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Summer Stem Challenge
During the week of June 18-21, Big Bend Technical College became home away from home to faculty from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Tallahassee Community College, Gulf Coast State College and PAEC personnel, who…
Jefferson Somerset Registration Details for 2018-19 School Year
Story Submitted Jefferson Somerset would like parents and students to know registration period for the 2018-19 school year will begin on Wednesday, June 11, and will end on Wednesday, Aug. 8. Registration…
Local teens attend FCA mission trip
Mickey Starling, ECB Publishing, Inc. Many kids spend their summer vacation goofing off, sleeping or staring into electronic screens until their eyes bleed, while others look for ways to meet a need….
Free school supplies and health screenings at Back to School Event
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. On Saturday, July 28, All God’s Children Outreach Ministry will be holding an Back To School Community Event from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Children and families…
Fifth grade student Agriculture Essay Contest Sponsored by Jefferson County Farm Bureau
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc. Jefferson County Farm Bureau (JCFB) held a pizza party and awards ceremony for the fifth grade students that participated in the Agricultural Essay Contest. JCFB members in…
Aucilla Christian Academy 2017/18 Honor Roll – 4th Nine Weeks
K4 (Cruce) E: Abby Andrews, Alison Andrews, Tyler Kane Bennett, John Cullen Burnette, Kyndall Clayton, Hallie Conklin, Kyler Follmar, Ava Halpin, Cannon Houp, Ryder Lacey, Tristen Odom, Corbyn Paulk, Sloane Pearson, Logan…
Jefferson County’s Retired Educators present $500 scholarship to Kristal Nogal
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Kristal Guerrero Nogal, the Valedictorian for the 2018 graduating class at Jefferson Somerset, was the recipient of a $500 scholarship from the Jefferson County Retired Educators Association…
Over $850,000 in scholarships
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. On Friday, May 18, Aucilla Christian Academy’s seniors were honored and acknowledged by their families, peers, the school and respected organizations, individuals and civic groups from around…
Kristal Nogal: selected by state as Top 10 STEM student
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Kristal Nogal, a 2018 graduating senior at Jefferson Somerset was selected as a Big Bend Top Ten STEM Student at the Sunshine State Scholars Conference, which was…
Students enjoy the carnival at Jefferson Somerset
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. There was plenty of games, neat crafts and projects, face painting and wax hands vendors, a ticket table where students could switch out the tickets they won…
Are you a graduate of Howard Academy?
Alumni and staff needed for documentary Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Starting in early June, the Howard Academy Educational & Recreational Council( HAERC) will begin begin recounting the legacy of the historic…