Each year, November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month. This year, there is a special effort to focus on children in foster care waiting for their forever home. Many of the children have been in foster care for a long period of time and can not return to their home. The children need the love, stability and permanency a family connection can provide. Without the family connection, youth often age out of foster care without anyone to provide guidance and support, leaving them subject to homelessness and poverty. Please visit www.adoptuskids.org for photo lists of children and answers to questions
The Guardian ad Litem Program works with volunteers in the community to advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children in Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, Jefferson, Franklin and Liberty counties. I am so proud of our part to ensure every child has the best chance of a permanent caring and loving family. This year, as we observe National Adoption Month, I hope readers will join with our program to reflect on our obligation to provide lifelong connections for children.
For more information on how you can help, please visit www.GAL2.org or call 1-850-606-1213.
Deborah Moore
Circuit Director,
Guardian ad Litem Program