Steve Cordle
ECB Publishing, Inc.
While the presidential contest is still officially undecided (no state has actually certified their results, and counting goes on), the Jefferson County School District will inaugurate Superintendent-elect Eydie Tricquet on Nov. 17. The meeting date and time were adjusted to accommodate the Nov. 3 general election, which is standard procedure in an election year,
On Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m. therewill be a “reorganizational meeting,” during which the new board members and superintendent will be sworn into office. Per Florida law, November is also when school boards are required to elect a chair and vice-chair, positions currently held by Bill Brumfield and Charles Boland, respectively. The board will also adopt the School Board Meeting Calendar for the fiscal year 2020-2021.
The board will also take nominations for several positions, which are listed below:
• Nomination for the School Board Liaison to the Small School District Superintendent School Board Council FY 2020-2021
• Nomination for Legislative Committee Liaison and Alternate FY 2020-2021
• Nomination for the Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board FY 2020-2021
• Nomination for the Board Member and Business
Leader for Property Valuation Board FY 2020-2021
These are all voluntary positions with no salary attached. The board votes on appointment to each position at each reorganizational meeting and, in general, reappoints the person currently serving in the particular role.
At 6:30 p.m., the regular board meeting will commence and included on the agenda items are:
• Annual Evaluation Jefferson Somerset FY 2019-2020
• Annual Evaluation Jefferson Somerset FY2019-2020.pdf (p. 21)
• Summary Somerset Charter School Annual Review FY 2019-2020
• Academic Achievement Plan Jefferson Somerset K-12
The board will also consider the approval of a written lease of the Old Howard Middle School Property to the First Bethlehem Baptist Missionary Association, Inc. The meeting packet and agenda state that a copy of the final agreement is available for inspection and review by the public. Further information can be obtained by going to the following
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