Christmas IQ test
The Christmas season is upon us! We’ve heard the stories and sung the carols, but how much of the scriptural Christmas story do we really know? Every year I like to share a fun test to help remind us of how much we really know, and how much of our knowledge is legend! How is your Christmas IQ?
(1) As long as Christmas has been celebrated, it’s been on Dec. 25th. (T or F)
(2) Joseph was from: A. Bethlehem B. Jerusalem C. Nazareth D. Egypt E. Chicago F. None of the above
(3) How did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem? A. Joseph walked, Mary rode a donkey B. Mary walked, Joseph rode a donkey C. They both walked. D. They both rode. E. Our church van. F. They flew. G. Who Knows?
(4) What
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