July 23-27
Restored Glory Christian Center will continue its Vacation Bible School from 6 to 8 p.m. through Friday at 1287 South Jefferson Street. The Holy Spirit ~ The Hero Inside of Us will include fun, food, crafts, games and teaching. To register go to restoredglory.org or call (850) 997-RGCC. Pastors Eddie and Veronica Yon.
July 23-27
Central Baptist Church Aucilla will continue its Vacation Bible School through Friday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for children three years of age to eighth grade. Adult classes and a nursery will also be provided. Dinner will be served. This year's theme is SPORTS. To volunteer and for more information contact Pastor Daryl Adams at (850) 251-0129.
July 27
Christ Episcopal Church Food Share distribution from 9 to 11 a.m. on the last Friday at 425 North Cherry Street. Father Jim May, church pastor.
July 27, 28
USDA Commodities Food Program and Second Harvest Food Bank together with the churches of New Bethel AME, Elizabeth MB, Hickory Hill MB, Mt. Pleasant AME, and Philadelphia MB will provide food to those needing assistance monthly at 8 a.m. on the fourth Saturday with distribution at the New Bethel AME Church, 6496 Ashville Highway. Volunteers are also needed on the Friday evening before at 6 p.m. to help bag the food packages. Contact Nellie Randell at (850) 997-5605, or Jackie Harvey at (850) 997-8410 to volunteer or for more information about this program. Rev. Jimmie F. Dickey, NBAMEC pastor.
July 28
All God's Children Ministry Outreach will host a Back To School Community Event at 1380 Mamie Scott Drive on Saturday with free school supplies to students who attend. There will be a bounce house, hamburgers and hot dogs! Vendors interested in setting up a booth and participating should call Willie Ann Dickey at (850) 519-1801.
July 28, 29
Union #2 Jefferson County Ministers, Deacons and Home Missions Society will convene with Hickory Hill Missionary Baptist Church, on Bassett Dairy Road, at 7 p.m. for a Business Session on Saturday at 10 a.m. and will conclude on Sunday beginning with Church School at 9:45 a.m. followed with Morning Worship at 11 a.m. For more information call (850) 688-2903.
July 29
Philadelphia AME Church, off the Boston Highway, and its Pastor David Williams, will host 5th Sunday Missionary Coalition Worship Service at 11 a.m. with the congregations of New Bethel AME Church and Pastor Jimmie F. Dickey and Mt. Pleasant AME Church and Pastor Maryetta Cromartie. Call (850) 997-3242 for directions.
July 29
Mt. Zion AME Church will hold a Pastor's Appreciation Program for its pastor, Rev. Edward Scott II, with guest speaker Rev. Theodore Houston of Tallahassee, former pastor of Mt. Ararat AME Church. Come make this a grand celebration. Dinner will be served after the service. For more information call (859) 997-5256.
July 29
St. Phillip AME Church will host a Ministers' Appreciation event at 3 p.m. on Sunday for its pastor Rev. J.W. Tisdale. Guest Preacher will be Rev. Dr. Barbara Thomas Reddick. For more information call (850) 997-4226.
July 30- August 3
Sweetfield Missionary Baptist Church will render its Annual Revival with prayer meetings on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday to Friday guest speaker Rev. Charles Smith, pastor of Mount Pleasant Ministries of Capps will share the Word. All services will begin at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Church Pastor Kassalando Brooks, Sr.
July 30
AA meetings are held at 8 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at Christ Episcopal Church annex, 425 North Cherry Street. For information call (850) 251-0278. Father Jim May, church pastor.