Lazaro Aleman
ECB Publishing, Inc.
None of the several local nonprofit organizations that recently applied to the county’s small nonprofit grants program for funding went away empty-handed.
The program, as Grants Administrator/TDC Coordinator Theresa Sterling described it to the Jefferson County Commission on Thursday, March 6, awards small amounts of funding to help further the efforts of nonprofit organizations that provide programming, services and initiatives to local residents.
In total, the commission approved the award of $11,800 in grant funding to six local organizations.
The amount of the grants and the six recipient organizations were as follows: $2,000 for a port-o-let rental and banners for the Dirty Pecan, Inc., which sponsors annual gravel rides to benefit the 4-H programs and Camp Cherry; $1,800 for the purchase of feed, hay and vet fees to Makacloud, Inc., an organization that rescues neglected, abandoned, and disabled farm animals; $2,000 toward the expansion of a parking lot at the North Florida Wildlife Center, a wildlife sanctuary that houses endangered and difficult to zoo animals and is open to the public; $2,000 to help with the expenses of a summer children’s production by the Monticello Acting and Dancing Company (MADCO), which teaches music, theater and dance to people of all ages and produces local shows; $2,000 for office supplies, urinalysis and breathalyzers tests, pre-screening fees, clothing and psycho-social assessments to Holistic Plan of Care, Inc., which provides outpatient treatment services and counseling to those with substance abuse disorder; and $2,000 for a murder mystery dinner theater production to the Monticello Opera House, which provides a venue for stage productions and high quality performances in rural north Florida audiences.
The commission decided to donate the balance of the remaining funds in the program, which totaled about $3,000, to the establishment of a scholarship in honor of Gannett Fulford, a 19-year-old FSU student who had died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest earlier in the month. He was the son of Tracie and Steven Fulford, a former Jefferson County commissioner.