Waukeenah United Methodist Church is seeking to hire a music director. Duties would include serving as church pianist, directing the choir at rehearsals one evening a week and coordinating the selection of music for services and special events. This is a part-time, paid position. The church uses predominately traditional music with some contemporary mixed in. Interested persons should contact Staff Parrish Relations Committee Chairman Paul Zajicek at (850) 443-3456 or Choir Member Stephen Monroe at (850) 410-0944 or (850) 274-3667. Here's a description of the church by former Music Director Wesley Roy: “Waukeenah is a small church located twenty miles east of the Florida Capitol on U.S. Highway 27. It is centered in the middle of a rural community full of several generations of loving, Christ-centered individuals and families. They call themselves “The little church with a big heart,” a motto they truly live up to. In addition to a salary, the person lucky enough to serve as music director at this church will receive love, food and acceptance into a community that considers them family.”
The regional Farm Tour scheduled for October 13-14 has been rescheduled to October 27-28.
The books are still good to use for the rescheduled dates. For more information contact Christine Golden at christinelgolden@gmail.com.
The Tallahassee Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) will present its 9th annual Halloween Spooktacular Concert on Friday, October 19 at 7 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 211 North Monroe Street. This fun, family-oriented event will feature AGO members performing Halloween-themed music in costume in a darkened church, specially decorated for the occasion. Audience members, particularly children, are encouraged to attend in their scariest costumes. In addition to Halloween-themed tunes, short works by Bach and Reubke will be performed. Audience members are invited to a yummy 'Spooktacular Reception' immediately following the recital, where they will be treated to hot cider and Halloween candy, cookies and cupcakes. Free parking is available in the two St. John’s Episcopal Church lots off Call Street, between Calhoun and Gadsden streets. Admission to this event is free and open to the public; donations will be accepted at the door.
Monticello Garden Club Founder's Circle will host a Charity Plant Sale on October 20 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Wirick-Simmons House on North Jefferson Street, downtown Monticello. The Saturday event will feature the sale of annuals, perennials, veggies, landscape plants and day lilies. Funds raised will be used for scholarships to help support children wanting to attend 4-H Summer Camp.
All Aboard! The Ghost Train will be departing from the Tom Keenan Depot in Veterans Memorial Park in Bristol on October 19, 20, 26, 27 and 31. Times for departing are 7 to 10 p.m. The jewel of the railroad, the authentic coal-fired Crown steam train, will also run on October 20 and 27, along with the non-steam trains. It is a spectacular and spooky train ride over one mile of track through the Park. Beware of witches, pirates, spiders, snakes, skeletons and dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. You will visit the 'Walking Dead' Cemetery, a complete western town, Ghostville and many other sites along the way, including the Ghostbusters’ Special. Cost per ride for non-steam trains is $10 per person; steam train is $15 per person. Children two and under ride for free. To avoid the long waiting lines, 'fast track' tickets may be purchased online at veteransmemorialrailroad.org. For additional information call (850) 643-6646. The Ghost Train event and the Polar Bear Express in December are major fundraisers for Veterans Memorial Railroad, to cover expenses for maintenance of the track and trains, fuel, coal and the development and construction of the amazing scenes. Veterans Memorial Railroad is sponsored by the Liberty County Board of Commissioners and is a not-for-profit group of volunteers who operate and manage the park.
Santa Clause has been around town lately offering his 'Santa' services during the Christmas holiday.
He's available for all your holiday functions, to provide Christmas cheer. Contact Roger Hughes at (850) 445-0678.
Lieutenant Jack Pitts announces that on October 12, Monticello Police Department Chief Fred Mosley hired on two new officers, Patrolman Jack O’lantern and K9 Treats. Officer O’lantern likes to be referred to as Officer Straw. Officer Straw and his K9 companion will be assisting the department through the month of October. Residents are invited to come visit the new officers on the bench just east of the Monticello News office, Little Rebel Hydrographics and Splish N Splash.
Bond Community will head up two Farm Share trucks at its location, 1720 Gadsden Street, with non-perishable items for all who need them according to Cindy Hutto, at cjhutto@healthystartjmt.org.
For more information, contact Joseph Ward, outreach specialist for the Neighborhood Medical Center, at jward@neighborhoodmedicalcenter.org or call (850) 567-3322.
A program inspired by Girl Scouts nationally, the Women of Distinction Awards honors women who truly demonstrate their commitment to the community. On Thursday, November 8, the community will celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of 18 local women whom have been nominated for the 2018 Women of Distinction awards, which is a primary fundraising event which proceeds support the Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle. The Awards Gala is a major fundraiser for the Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle and will be at the Florida State University Alumni Center, the event commences at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour, with live entertainment and a signature drink, Girl Scout Cookie inspired, and a cash bar. There will also be a silent auction and live auction, auction items available include themed baskets, gift certificates, fine jewelry from local jewelers and overnight trips; all monies made goes directly to the Girl Scouts of the Florida Panhandle. The dinner and awards program begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be emceed by WCTV’s Julie Montanaro. Tickets for the event are available at www.gscfp.org, the Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle’s Service Center, 250 Pinewood Drive Tallahassee, and at eventbrite.com. Sponsorship opportunities are still available to support the Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle. Information about sponsorships can be found at www.gscfp.org under support us tab. This event is a great opportunity to spotlight your business and help the Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle, which builds girls of courage, confidence and character to make the world a better place. “The annual Women of Distinction awards gala is a tradition that recognizes the positive impact made by women throughout the Florida Panhandle,” stated Raslean M. Allen, Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle, Inc. chief executive officer. “These women are leaders, mentors and an inspiration to our girls and community.”
On Saturday, October 27, Jefferson Somerset will host the 2018 Lego League Tournament. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Various teams from across North Florida will be competing in this Lego Robotics competition. For more information about the Lego league tournament, contact the school at (850) 997-3555.