Bethel AME Church and its pastor Jeffrey T. Graham along with New Bethel AME Church and its pastor Jimmie F. Dickey will host a Candidates Forum at 410 York Street at 6 p.m. on Friday, August 17. For more information call (850) 997-3242.
Ford Chapel AME Church, located at 7671 West Lake Road, will celebrate its pastor, Bishop Ralph Wilson, with an Appreciation Worship Service at 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 18. Guest speaker will be Rev. Lee E. Plummer, presiding elder of the Monticello/ Quincy District. All are invited to join together in honoring this servant of God for his unwavering love and devotion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church. Contact Sis. Jessie Jeff at (850) 661-3836 for more information.
At 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 19, the Springfield AME Church congregation at 1734 Piney Woods Road, will host a Pastor's Appreciation Celebration for their pastor, Rev. Gloria A. Cox. Come join in this special time of love and devotion to a wonderful woman of God. Guest preacher will be Rev. J.W, Tisdale, pastor of St. Phillip AME Church. For more information call (850) 879-4425.
Pastor Ronald Rackley sends peace and blessings along with an invitation to Faith and Worship Ministries, 7337-A Old Lloyd Road, on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. to join in a Bible Study Series of the Book of Judges, taught by Elder Barbara Proctor, through the month of September. Come one, come all, arrive with five! For more information call (850) 491-5077.
In collaboration with TMH Memory Disorder Center the Jefferson Senior Citizens Center will host the Ageless Grace series of 21 Simple Tools for Lifelong Comfort and Ease. A brain/body fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all five functions of the brain (analytic, strategic, kinesthetic, memory, creative). Movements are based on everyday movements and are designed to be performed seated to enhance physical skills for lifelong optimal functioning and healthy longevity of the body and mind. It's never too late to begin. It's never too late to start. The next class is Thursday, August 23, followed each week on August 30 and Thursday, September 6 from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Taught by Marghi McClearn. Call (850) 431-5002 for more information.
The Jefferson County Lions Club has been gathering shirts, briefs, soaps and other personal items for the Grace Mission Homeless Ministry. If you are interested in partnering with them in helping the homeless in your area contact Kathryn Griffith at kate@ for more information. Grace Mission is also benefiting from the 7th annual Blues & BBQ fundraising event on Saturday, August 25. Join for a night of fun with local favorites ‘Brett Wellman & the Stone Cold Blues Band.’ Doors open at 6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 229 Lake Ella Drive, and the band begins playing at 7 p.m. Ticket cost is $10 at the door. The optional barbecue dinner is an additional $8.
Jefferson Whole Child Coalition will meet on Tuesday, August 28, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Jefferson County R.J. Bailar Public Library for its monthly meeting. There will be a time of Agency Sharing before the guest speaker, from the Florida Department of Health Jefferson, will be introduced to discuss the Community Health Improvement Plan. The next meeting will be held on September 25. Contact Cindy Hutto at cjhutto@healthystartjmt. org or call (850) 948-2741 for questions.