The Democrats are notorious for making other people's problems their own.
Shortly, perhaps minutes, after New Zealand announced prohibitions against semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) tweeted the “U.S. needs to follow the gun ban example.” She attached a statement to her tweet where she noted: “Here at home in America, since the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School, we’ve suffered through at least 227 school shootings that killed 143 and left 290 wounded. And those are just shootings at schools. We’ve seen massacres at offices, churches, theaters, concerts, malls, all the places that Americans should feel safe, not threatened.”
Feinstein did not point out that the schools which have witnessed shootings have been gun-free zones and the Democrats have been unwilling to change that. Moreover, Democrats consistently point to the July 20, 2012, Aurora Movie Theater attack without acknowledging that the theater was a gun-free zone. The San Bernardino County Buildings (December 2, 2015), Orlando Pulse Nightclub (June 12, 2016), Borderline Bar & Grill (November 7, 2018), and Henry Pratt Company offices (February 15, 2019), were all gun-free zones as well. In fact, the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that 97.8 percent of mass shootings in the U.S. from 1950 through May 2018 occurred in gun-free zones.
But Feinstein never talks about getting rid of these zones so citizens can be armed to shoot back. Rather, she keeps pushing the disarmament narrative, even though life after disarmed life is sacrificed in zones where the natural right to self-defense is not allowed.
I strongly believe in arming teachers in our schools. Way back in 1975 I was in Israel for some training. The trainer and I were sitting at a bar going over the procedures he had taught us that day (I was not very impressed with what we had gone over that day) when four very beautiful young ladies in short shorts carrying M-16's on their backs were seated at a table next to us. I asked the trainer, “what’s with them?” I was informed that they were teachers at the nearby school. My immediate thought was “dang, I never had teachers looking like that," then asked, “what's with the M-16's?” The instructor told me that there had been an attack at the nearby school where sixty-nine people had been murdered in just a few moments. Teachers were then trained to fight attackers of schools or anywhere else for that matter. Today in 2019, 44 years later, there have been two attacks on schools in Israel, both attackers were shot and killed by their teachers. Arm and train our teachers.
George Pouliotte