It's not too late to join the choirs!
Debbie Snapp
The Elizabeth Baptist Church Worship Choir has been rehearsing every Sunday evening for its Easter Musical, “Because He Lives.” This special event will be presented on Palm Sunday, Apr. 10, at 11 a.m. at the church, located at 4124 Bassett Dairy Rd., in Monticello. The Elizabeth Baptist Church TeamKID Choir is also planning a Mini Easter Musical entitled, “Hallelujah, He Did It.” This special event will be shared on Wednesday, Apr. 13, at 6 p.m. There is still time to join both of these choirs! Do you go to church anywhere? If you’re looking for a great place to worship, and find great Christian fellowship, consider Elizabeth Baptist Church. Sunday opportunities begin at 9:45 a.m. with Sunday School for all ages and continue at 11 a.m. with Morning Worship Service; 5 p.m. for Choir Practice and 6 p.m. for Evening Worship Service. On another note, the Elizabeth Baptist Church family welcomes Sissy Kilpatrick, who is serving as pianist. It has been great to have her. For more information about Elizabeth Baptist Church call (850) 997-8444 or visit