Debbie Snapp
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Elizabeth Baptist Church (EBC) held its annual Homecoming on Sunday, Oct. 13, with nearly 200 family, friends and church members attending the service and the following dinner on the grounds.
Rev. Gary Townsend, a Regional Catalyst for the Florida Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention, was the guest preacher for this 188th Anniversary Celebration. He is also of the seventh generation born into the churches that formed the Southern Baptist Convention. He attended with his wife, Susan.
The message that Rev. Townsend provided during the Homecoming was about missionary programs, during which he mentioned that based on their membership size, Elizabeth Baptist Church is the number one church family for missionary support.
Rev. Townsend also read from the Book of Mark, Chapter 5, verses 25-34 and noted that “Sometimes there's a backstory to the story.” He concluded with, “Faith works when we work faith. We exist to advance.”
Linda Demott led the choir and congregational worship, along with Louisa Saylor, who led the youth choir. Mandy Self was welcomed to sing an Offertory Hymn for this particular Sunday morning worship service.
The theme for this year's Homecoming was: Youth Groups of EBC. The theme was defined during a special spotlight, which looked back at past youth groups and also took a look at the present and future of the youth group at EBC and the church's youth outreach ministry, The Loft.
The church extended a warm thank you to all who were in attendance and made this day very special for all.
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