For the love of God…. Please be nice to other people!
What a crazy world we live in at this moment.
Many people are working from home, many businesses are shut down, many other businesses are only half-open and barely hanging on, and there’s no toilet paper in the entire United States to be found. People are having to actually be told to wash their hands (although they should have already been doing that, in life in general) and people are walking around with masks on their faces.
The words “social-distancing” have taken on a whole new meaning. We are not supposed to shake hands or hug anyone, we are all supposed to stand six-feet apart at all times; some big box-stores now even have everyone filing into the store in a Disney World type of line, and many stores have lines taped on the floor so everyone stands away from each other. We are not allowed to go to the movies, to go workout at the gym, to go sit down in a restaurant and enjoy a meal together and now we are not allowed to even go boating or fishing, for many of the boat ramps are closed.
This is a stressful time we all live in. Some people are scared to even leave their houses. Some are fearful for their loved ones. Some are dealing with sickness and death. Some are afraid of losing their job or their business. To top it all off, we are cut off from our family and friends and cannot show love and affection to many of those we care about.
And now, to get to the point of my column…we ALL are living this together! We ALL are experiencing this same brokenness together! We ALL feel the pain and sadness of this weird life we are stuck in, for the moment. For the love of God….Please be nice to other people! Just because you feel stressed out or you are mad that you are not able to do certain things gives you NO reason to be mean and grumpy to other people.
We ALL can be nice to other people no matter what adversity we are facing. Teaching ourselves to have a good attitude, no matter what calamity is happening around us, is so important; especially right now!
I will say, I am not as “afraid” of this pandemic as some of my family or friends. I do try to remind people that at my age, and up to around 10 years older than me, my survival rate (if I caught the virus) is 99 percent. I think that is pretty good odds.
However, I am conscientious of those around me that are afraid and nervous.
With that said, I stood in Winn-Dixie, Saturday, waiting (way) behind two women staring and discussing which bacon they should buy. As I stood there, I picked out my best deal as well. It was obvious they still had much to debate so I walked up closer, stood way over to the side, and leaned in sideways around the corner of the display case, to grab my two packages of bacon. I thought those two women were going to hurt themselves trying to run away from me…and fussing the whole time.
A friend of mine told me that the other day she saw a man, in a line, cough and then the woman in front of him turned around and screamed, “stop coughing on me!”
Another friend told me she and her sister-in-law (who all live in the same house together) were out shopping and someone yelled at them because they weren’t keeping six feet between them.
Y’all, we all tend to get caught up with our own emotions and problems sometimes, and sometimes we let those emotions run our lives. But, again…For the love of God….Please be nice to other people!
Everyone knows the Golden Rule, but not everyone takes it to heart. Kindness often gets overlooked as a sign of weakness, and to an extent, it can be, for there is such a thing as being too nice. But a little kindness can still go a long way!
No matter what happens, always try to remain calm and keep from going off the deep end. Everyone you come in contact with is living this same nightmare as you are!
And always remember…if you exhibit kindness, others will like you more (shocker!).
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