Jefferson County Farm Bureau Banquet
Have You Thanked A Farmer Lately?
I attended the annual Jefferson County Farm Bureau banquet last week, and what a delight it was. For those who missed the event, you really missed a special treat.
The highlight of the evening was the announcement of Kim and Angela Jones, of Bethel Oaks Farm and Florida Georgia Citrus, being awarded the prestigious title of Farm Family of the Year! What an awesome title to such a deserving family!
Dinner was absolutely delicious, as usual. All attendees enjoyed a delicious chicken and rice dinner with green beans and corn. The Hickory Hill 4-H Club members were on hand to help serve drinks of water and tea.
Readers will find in today’s Monticello News a special “B Section” covering the annual Farm Bureau Meeting/Banquet. I hope it can be a special keep-sake for many, and a good read for the rest of you.
Through my many years in the newspaper business I have found myself attending and covering a lot of events. I have covered the Jefferson County Farm Bureau Banquet, dinner events and Farm City Week events for many, many years and have always been greeted with open arms and enjoyed the company tremendously.
I truly feel that the farmers of America (and farmers of our individual counties) do not get enough credit. Working a farm takes a lot of long hard hours and a lot of long hard labor; more than many of us put in each and every day in our own jobs, that we do.
We need to all try to remember that our food does NOT come from Winn Dixie, or Piggly Wiggly. The food, on our table each night, comes from a farm, and some farmer, some where, is way under-paid for what he does.
So, I ask you, “Have you thanked a farmer lately?”
Make sure you do!!!