This past Monday, Dec. 12, my handsome little grandson, Logan, turned two years old.
I teasingly say that I had never been a “boy mom/grandma” and this is a whole new adventure for me. But I will admit, that so far, I have the hang of it. Logan seems to be really easy to please … hand him a car (or anything with wheels) and he is good to go!!!!
I have always loved my two daughters with my every being! However, I had always been told that the love of a grandchild will surpass anything I thought I could possibly feel for another child. Some of my friends would tell me they wish their grandchildren had come first. Others jokingly said, “I think I love my grandkids more than my kids.” I had always laughed at my friends … not truly knowing the depth of those statements … until a few years ago when my first grandchild was born.
So, what makes being a grandparent feel so amazing? I believe it is because when we were in our young 20s or 30s, raising our children was our job. We got up and went to work to make money to raise our family. At the end of the day, we went home and it was our job to take care of everyone (baths, washing clothes, dinner and bedtime). We awoke the next morning with the same tasks at hand. The sad fact of life is, at that age, you don’t have time to really relish in all the memories. At such a young age, you feel like it will last forever.
That’s why being a grandparent is so special. Now we all know how fast the days go by. In a blink of an eye, our children are grown and have moved out of the house. We find ourselves longing to hear little baby footsteps and to fall asleep listening to slumber party giggles, all night long.
Watching Logan for the last two years has been extraordinary… he is now learning all his new words and learning to put them together. He loves trucks and cars and pushes them all around the house. His laugh is contagious and he is always the happiest little boy and is always smiling. He has a great temperament, loves animals and loves to run and play outside!
But, the greatest, most loving feelings in the world come from watching Brooke as she feeds Logan, reads books to him, plays with him outside and gives him hugs and kisses … those are bittersweet moments – watching my daughter, the one I used to cradle in my arms, now a grown woman with a child of her own.
There is no greater love than that of a parent/grandparent; and there is no greater gift from God than that of a child/grandchild.
It’s crazy fun being a grandparent - of course, it was fun being a parent, but the best part of being a Glamma is I don’t have to do anything; I don’t have to preach at or scold my grandchildren. Their parents will do that. All I have to do is behold them as they are: Perfect! In every way!
Happy birthday, Logan! I am so glad God gave you to me!

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