I wrote a letter recently that landed in the August 12th paper. I realized it may've been a little hostile (Thank you Mr. Leland!) In addition, not all Democrats are Marxists, most are just Socialist with a good heart. The polls consistently show only 30% of Americans agree with Biden.
I truly do not agree with this culture of name calling. The separatism they are provoking in our country is right out of the Marxist handbook - to decimate a society. Furthermore, breaking up the foundation of our country, as we see firsthand violating the Constitution almost on a daily basis. Add to that, the fact that every single thing these Marxists have done is designed to break the backs of American people, such as large increases in taxes and the price of basic needs.
At every turn, they've put out legislation that will only hurt America. This country is overflowing with division in every way, shape, and form, so I am calling 30% of Democrats Marxists.
Everyone's heard of the raid on Mar-A-Lago. Are we being led by Marxists in this country? Do we need any more evidence than Mar-A-Lago?
Let's just look at the single worst thing Biden did as President: He abandoned American citizens and allies in Afghanistan, easily the most cowardly decision made by an American President in history. This is the Marxist strategy in overtaking a country:
1. Create chaos (remember the riots pre-Trump Presidency)
2. Begin to ignore the Constitution
3. Erase our history
4. Remove school, prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance
5. Eliminate the police
6. Cause friction between races, beliefs, and cultures (i.e. name-calling)
Many Republicans believe they will take the Senate and House in September. I am also hopeful, but take into account the President has completely opened up our borders and is paying off "everyone's" college debt. Do you think this affected the peoples' vote? Do you think the Democrats are not going to pass a bill that allows immigrants to vote? I hope that never happens, but nothing surprises me anymore. If we continue down the road we're on, the Marxists will bankrupt our country, which will then break down our foundation.
I think the Democrats took over our large cities about 150 years ago.
Let's say you gave someone a landscaping job, and 150 years later, not only were they not finished, they made the landscape worse. This is an absolute indictment of the Democrats who run our large cities. Clearly, the job has been a total failure. They monopolize the cities and have done nothing at all to better the lives of the people in the inner city.
When Donald Trump was President, he was installing more charter schools and job training programs. Imagine if this was done 50 years ago, we most definitely would not have the plight of Black Americans continuing as slaves by their Democratic owners. The slaves were housed and fed, that's all. We are doing pretty much the same thing now around the United States.
If this one thing is not enough evidence to alarm all Americans, then prepare for the consequences.
One more quick note, Biden was patting himself on the back last week due to over 300,000 new jobs reported. Here is the caveat, how many people were forced to take second jobs due to the current economy?
Larry Beger