Each year adjacent to the June Watermelon Festival, Monticello's Capital City Bank hosts the annual essay contest.
The essay contest is open to current high school juniors or seniors (who are enrolled in Jefferson Somerset, Aucilla Christian Academy, Franklin Academy or as a homeschool student); students must be working towards obtaining a diploma and must have a GPA of 2.0 or above to enter.
This scholarship provides Jefferson County students with funding at the college or trade school of the student’s choosing. The first place winner of the essay contest will receive a $500 scholarship, with second place receiving a $300 scholarship and third place receiving a $200 scholarship.
The topic of this year's essay contest will be “What Does Jefferson County Mean To Me?”
Essay judging will be based on originality, quality and style of writing, grammar and spelling and accuracy of information.
Besides the essay, student submitters are required to provide an application form, a current photo, and a high school transcript.
Essay applications may be picked up at the Monticello-Jefferson Chamber of Commerce or Capital City Bank.
Essays must be completed and delivered (either by hand or through the mail) to the Chamber of Commerce no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, May 17.
The essay contest's scholarship funds may be used for tuition, books or fees.
For more information or to download submission forms, visit monticellojeffersonfl.com/essay-writing-scholarship-watermelon-festival.