Ernestine Ford Raines, 74, of Monticello passed on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, November 23, at Memorial M.B. Church, with burial in Elizabeth-Dills Cemetery.
Viewing-visitation was 4-6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 1215 N. Jefferson St., Monticello. Tillman of Monticello (850-997-5553) is serving the Raines family.
Born in Ocala, Fla., Mrs. Raines lived most of her life in Jefferson County. She was a member of Refuge House Apostolic Church and had worked in the farming industry.
Survivors include her children; Alfred & Henry Raines & Rose (Roscoe) Wallace, siblings, Willie (Mary) Ford, Jr., Henry Jones, Mary Ford, Josephine (Stanley) Williams, Edna Lee & Hannah Jones and a host of other relatives and friends.