Thank goodness our County Commission has instituted new accounting rules, procedures and policies. It seems The Gang Who Could Not Shoot Straight allegedly stole hundreds of thousands of our dollars. The alleged masterminds behind this seems to be a guy named Charles Culp and our Clerk Kirk Reems plus a third Clerk employee.
One would think these guys are either really smart or our accounting procedures were so weak anyone could have stolen our money.. You be the judge.
I made my mind up when Culp skipped his bail and went on the run. He should have had hundreds of thousands of dollars at his disposal. Being a savvy criminal did he have an off shore account. Did he have a fake passport with plans to skip the country. No he took a sleeping bag and $40 bucks drove his own truck to Bonifay and checked into the Holiday Express. He is back in jail now.
This man is not a rocket scientist. Can you imagine how much money they could have stolen if they had been smart criminals with an exit strategy?
Reese Reynolds