Ashley Hunter
ECB Publishing, Inc.
For adults who are looking to continue their education, managing their time around classroom hours, or finding a way to attend lessons in a physical school room can be difficult to fit in with all the other responsibilities and demands in life.
But in Jefferson County, attending classes, signing up for the educational opportunities and furthering academics is getting easier for local adults.
“One of the big obstacles for our students is transportation - just getting in to go to school,” said Jefferson County Superintendent of Schools Marianne Arbulu.
Another difficulty that Jefferson County adult students were facing were various degrees of knowledge when they entered a single classroom setting.
“It was too broad for a teacher to be effective in really allowing people to move at their pace and get the instruction they need at their level,” added Superintendent Arbulu.
In an endeavor to change the way that Jefferson County’s adult ed was offered, Superintendent Arbulu began looking into the ways that other Florida school districts offered their adult education programs.
With the current climate of virtual interactions through social media, online communications, and cyber shopping, it makes the most sense for other avenues to slowly turn more digital and virtual as well.
And so, the Jefferson County Adult Education program is going virtual!
“I’m so excited about this,” stated Superintendent Arbulu.
From now on, Jefferson County’s academic adults will be able to attend classes at their own pace, on their own schedule, and at a variety of locations.
Students who are enrolled in the virtual education program will be able to access their virtual classroom through the computers at the district office’s computer lab, from the Jefferson County R.J. Bailar Library, or from their own laptop or computer.
There will still be a certified instructor providing the classes and being present to answer student questions, but the need to attend physical classes, sit in a classroom and make room in busy schedules in order to attain a higher education will no longer be a concern.
“It’s a purely flexible program that I’m hoping will motivate students to be more engaged and really just do better themselves,” said Superintendent Arbulu.
Whether night owls or early birds, whether students fit their classes in on their lunch break from their workplace, or after dropping their own children off at school, the online virtual adult education school is there for students when they need it.
The virtual program will encompass both the school district’s GED classes as well as their Adult Basic classes.
But another exciting addition to adult education in Jefferson County will likely be kick-started in January of next year.
At the beginning of 2019, Superintendent Arbulu plans to have the Jefferson County School District offer ESOL (English Speaking for Other Languages) classes.
“It is for people who are non-English speaking,” said Superintendent Arbulu of the ESOL program, which will be held in partnership with a group of FSU professors and interns.
The ESOL classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
“It’ll be for adults and especially for parents who have kids who are in school,” stated Superintendent Arbulu. “One of the goals is that the more we can help the parents speak and write in English, the better prepared they are so they can help their student with their work.”
For information about both of these classes and information on registration, Superintendent Arbulu recommends that inquiring individuals contact the School District office.
According to Arbulu, a phone call or visit to the district office to speak with either Ramona Kinsey or Marianne Arbulu is the best way to begin the path to education.
In order to allow interested students a place to study, the district’s computer lab will be open to adult students Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For questions or enrollment, contact Superintendent Arbulu at (850) 342-0512 or by email at marianne.arbulu@jeffersonschooldistrict. org.
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