Debbie Snapp
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Wacissa United Methodist Church prepared and served a Pancake Dinner for the community on Tuesday, Feb. 25, in its family ministry center.
Pancakes were flipped all evening long by the men of the church and the ladies prepared fried, baked and deep-fried bacon and sausage for the meal.
Big pots of grits and bowls of mixed fruit and syrups were also prepared and set out on the tables by the group.
The church family really did a terrific job of coming together to prepare, cook and serve a pancake dinner fit for a king and queen.
Lent is a time of forgiveness and fasting. Lent is when you prepare for Easter. By observing the 40-days of Lent, Christians replicate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his withdrawal into the desert, where He was tempted and tested for 40 days.
Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday, is a form of the English word shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of Confession and doing penance.
Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and is traditionally celebrated by consuming pancakes.
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