Ashley Hunter
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Young lives across the nation are being changed and influenced through a movement that is led by students, coaches and community members at schools and on athletic fields.
On Wednesday, Oct. 16, Aucilla Christian Academy (ACA) hosted their own gathering through the Fields of Faith movement, bringing together current Christian athletes, students and adults for a worship and ministry session.
Fields of Faith is a Christ-driven and peer-to-peer movement that is endorsed by thousands of adolescent students around the United States.
Each year in October, Christian students across the nation gather on their school's athletic fields in order to share stories of their faith, encourage one another with their personal testimonies and offer life challenges to their fellow students. This gathering of believers is a powerful movement that encourages young Christians to apply the Bible and its truths as a “game plan for life.”
This event, which is a part of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), has seen thousands of lives changed on hundreds of fields across the United States – and this was no different in Jefferson County itself.
According to ACA, an estimated 300 youth and adults attended the school's Fields of Faith gathering that was held at ACA's Warrior Memorial Football Field on ACA's campus. Fields of Faith allowed students and adults to participate in a shared evening meal, worship through live music, fellowship through games, be empowered through a skit and then hear heartfelt and emotional student testimonies – all which led up to a prayer over the participants, their lives and the school and community.
“What an amazing night!” proclaims ACA's FCA sponsor Tonya Roberts. “It was encouraging to see so many young people worshiping God together and standing up to boldly proclaim His name! Our prayer is that this will be the beginning of a revival in our area and will bring many to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ!”
Of the 300 people who attended this year's Fields of Faith gathering, 40 indicated that they wanted to further their Christian walk and become more involved in their relationship with Christ. Another four chose that night to make a life-altering call and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
“It is such a powerful sight to see the community rallied together to praise Jesus Christ and fellowship in His name,” concluded ACA Principal Richard Finlayson.
To learn more about Fields of Faith and the cause's mission statement for youth, visit
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