The article in Wednesday's paper dated March 24, "Not Important" really got my attention because it raised the issue about School District properties, and why they are in "Rack and Ruin." It seems as though the writer of the article singled out two of our School Board Members as being responsible for the condition of our former schools which have closed over the last few years.
The statement that School Board Member Washington made was a very viable one because we are at the phase where we could be able to regain control of our schools. We sometimes jump to conclusions without having factual evidence. How many meetings has this writer attended over the years?
I've been attending School Board Meetings for many years now and what I've seen is not a lack, or failure of leadership by the Board, but a failure, and lack of leadership from the Superintendent's Office.
Let me be very clear, I'm not speaking about our present Superintendent, but about some of the previous ones. Some years ago the decision was made to construct a new school which wasn't needed at all. The old Jefferson County High School could have been renovated over the course of a couple of summers instead of closing not only the High School, but ultimately closing the Elementary and Middle Schools.
That is evident every time I go to the Tax Collector's Office, or Property Appraiser's Office. Yes, they have been renovated. These are the same buildings where I attended, and graduated from years ago that were given to the County for nothing. Three Schools closed as a result of mismanagement at the top. One of these schools, Howard Middle Schools is located two blocks from my house. This school represents a great deal of history in this County. If the writer of the previous article had really done their homework they should know that Howard Middle School won't be sitting vacant, and in ruins for much longer.
I commend the Board, and the present Superintendent for joining in the vision of The First Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Association in it's quest to provide services to the community by establishing after school, and summer programs for our youth, and senior citizens. Howard Middle School is not, and will not be a pile of rubble, and decay because we refuse to let it become that.
When our School System went Charter it was always understood that one day the public would regain control, and that time is at hand. Board Members Washington, and Saunders are only reminding our Superintendent, whom I support, that she should be working on a plan to present to the Dept. of Education that will be convincing enough for them to return our schools to the public.
So once again if you want to blame someone for the failures of our School System, let's go straight to the top. Let's get the facts straight before we start pointing fingers, especially because we don't care for certain individuals. I believe that all of our School Board Members, as well as the Superintendent are working to give our children the best shot at succeeding.
I look forward to further discussions in the near future.
Reverend Terry Presley Sr.