Laura Young
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Nathan Peeler, Monticello Church of Christ's preacher, recently published his first book, From Dogs to Disciples, which examines the theme of inclusion throughout the Gospel of Matthew. The title derives from Matthew 15:27, in which a Canaanite woman seeking help from Jesus says, “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
In his book, Peeler takes a look at many verses in Matthew that show Jesus welcoming anyone to follow him, even those that society at that time had outcast or marginalized.
“Jesus makes the same demands of all,” says Peeler, citing examples from the beginning of Matthew to the end, where he issues the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations.
Interested readers can obtain From Dogs to Disciples from DeWard Publishing Company through their website,, where the book currently is their first featured product, available for $9.99. It is also available for the same price from
Peeler became a preacher while working on a bachelor's degree in History at St. Leo University and has been a minister for 14 years. He earned a master's degree in Bible and Theology from Lincoln Christian University in 2018 and moved to Monticello in 2019 to pastor the Monticello Church of Christ.
Writing From Dogs to Disciples was a smooth process, says Peeler, because it developed from and expanded on the research he did for his master's thesis. He is pursuing a second master's degree in Church History and Theology and is already working on a second book, which takes a look at the topic of gossip, based heavily on verses from Proverbs.
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