The Lord is My Shepherd
A famous actor was the guest of honor at a social gathering. As people gathered around, they asked the actor to recite excerpts from various literary works. He obliged and did so brilliantly. Finally, an elderly pastor asked the author to recite the 23rd Psalm.
The actor hesitated at first and then agreed on one condition. The pastor would return the favor. The actor’s recitation was brilliant and eloquent. People responded to the actor with lengthy applause.
The pastor’s rendition was feeble and frail. But when the pastor finished, it was quiet, and there were tears running down a number of cheeks. The actor broke the silence with these words: “I know the psalm. The pastor knows the Shepherd.”
Do you know the Shepherd? Have you discovered that with Him you shall not want?
When Isaiah spoke of the coming of the Messiah he worded it by saying: "He will feed his flock like a shepherd! He will gather His lambs into His arms."
This picture comes more clearly into focus in the New Testament. Jesus told a story about a shepherd who had 100 sheep, but one of them went astray. In our way of thinking a 99 percent return on our investment would be most desirable, but not this shepherd. He left the 99 to go in search of that one lost sheep. Later, when Jesus was speaking to a great throng of people, Matthew tells us that he had compassion upon them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, ESV)
Do you know why a flock of sheep with no shepherd is so sad? Because sheep have no sense of direction. And without leadership they will just wander aimlessly. They’ll stray away from the flock, they’ll lose their way, they’ll walk right over a cliff following one another without a second thought.
Do you know the difference between a cowboy and a shepherd? A cowboy drives cattle but a shepherd leads sheep.
There was a group of tourists in the Holy Land and they passed by a flock of sheep being driven into town. They were taking pictures and one of the tourists asked the guide this question, “I thought the shepherd led the sheep from the front, why is he in the back?” The guide replied, “That’s not the shepherd, that’s the butcher.”
That’s the position Satan and sin always takes in our life. Driving us, shoving us from the rear with reminders of our past, giving us guilt, anxiety about the future, filling us with fear, uncertainties in the present, filling us with worry, driving us to destruction.
Jesus stated, “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” (John 10:10, ESV) Satan is the master thief. If you allow him, he’ll steal your joy, kill your love, and destroy your relationships. But Jesus will make you lie down in green pastures. He’ll lead you beside still waters. He will restore your soul.
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