Independence Day
Some of you may remember last year around this time, I made mention of the need to declare a “new” Independence Day. Today, I feel the need to make that same call again. We all need to declare “independence” from the whole notion of “racism,” in all its forms.
I have been hearing about what has been called “Critical Race Theory” for the past several months. From what I understand this whole notion argues that the United States of America was founded as a racist country and regardless of the progress that has been made, it continues to be a racist country and there's nothing that will change that. This “theory” argues that all black people (or “people of color” as the current, popular phrase goes) have always been oppressed in this country by all white people and that will always be the case. The notion goes on to argue that all white people are racist, due solely to the fact that they are white. Now, I don't claim to be the smartest person in the room (depending on the room, of course), but even I can see that this way of thinking is, by any definition of the word, pure racism. This is the kind of mindset that will do nothing but hold us back as a society and as a nation.
I can't help but give a chuckle whenever I see a professional athlete who is making millions of dollars a year playing a game complain about being “oppressed.” I hardly think some of these over-privileged, self-absorbed folks would last very long if they were presented with REAL oppression. Just ask your average, run-of-the mill North Korean about REAL oppression.
I am well aware of the history of our country in terms of race relations. I know that within my lifetime, bad things were being done to people, merely because of the color of their skin. I personally consider racism in any form to be abhorrent. Whenever one group thinks of or treats another group negatively based on the pigmentation of their skin is the epitome of ignorance and should have no place in modern society.
We are blessed beyond words to have the opportunity to live in this nation. It isn't perfect, but it is much “more perfect union” than it has been in the past. Hopefully, we can continue to progress toward a place where people are judged “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Let's not allow anyone to take us backward on that quest forward.
That's the way I see it from over here on the “sunny side.” Now, let's all enjoy the weekend and someone please slice the watermelon.
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