Happy Holidays to all!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you’re looking forward to a peaceful winter season.
This is my favorite time of year. I love seeing all the Christmas lights, baking cookies with my grandchildren, participating in local festivities, continuing holiday traditions and starting new ones.
One new tradition I started with my grandchildren is the 12 Days of Reading. In December, I wrap 12 books and each night a grandchild opens one and we sit and read it together; either I read it, or the oldest child reads it. One way to engage your older children is to read a chapter book together. It’s a meaningful way to get them reading out loud and sharing their thoughts and interests. It can also help open discussions you or your child may want to have.
One of my favorite things at Christmas is the tradition of hanging stockings. When I would fill my children’s’ stockings, I included items they needed and not just what they wanted. I dropped an orange in the stockings’ toes (which they did not necessarily enjoy) and some candy. I added pencils, pens, crayons or markers, lip balm, hand sanitizer, hand lotion and other items they would need when they returned to school after the holidays. There is so much you can put in stockings that can help your children keep learning on their minds, and it’s fun watching them sort through the little treasures.
As we look toward the start of a new year and the District continues to wait for direction from the Florida Department of Education, I am constantly preparing to take back control of our schools. Whether we continue with Somerset Charter School or we move under an external operator, there are lots of tasks and preparation work that needs to be completed before that time arrives.
As always, reach out to me at jcsdsuper@gmail.com with your questions and concerns.
I hope each one of you has a relaxing, memory-making season. I look forward to serving as your Superintendent in 2022. I know it will be the best year yet!
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