Spring is here!
Dear Friends,
Spring is here!
Renewal and rebirth grace our hearts, our families and our community. Our school district is also undergoing a rebirth, and I am excited about the possibilities that come with rebuilding Jefferson County School District.
We have developed job descriptions for key administrative positions at the District Office that must be filled immediately to manage the large scope of internal services needed to run efficiently and responsibly. We are conducting interviews at this writing, and I am eager to onboard the professionals we so direly need.
Managing the bid process for contracted services is filling our workdays. We must identify an experienced, competent health benefits management firm as well as a technology services company that can provide the education technology support our staff and students need for success.
Instructional positions are next. New job descriptions are under development, and we are posting tens of positions that will serve our students’ academic needs. We are seeking talented, experienced and passionate teachers who love our children and know what students need in the classroom and beyond.
We are counting down to the day that we fully regain control of our schools. June 30, 2022, is the magic date, and it’s right around the corner. We are shoulder deep in the work that prepares us for a seamless transition, but there is still so much more to do.
Remember, we are starting from nothing: rebuilding capacity, establishing procedures, updating policies, engaging the community, changing perceptions and strengthening our education family. Operational infrastructure at the District went away when the charter school came in. Know that in this rebuilding I will not accept anything less than excellence for our students, or from them.
I am thrilled at the thought of what a rebirth of Jefferson County Schools is starting to look like. As always, I welcome your input and ideas.
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