Local students helping protect Old City Cemetery
Laura Young
ECB Publishing, Inc.
As Jefferson-Somerset students were busy doing a service project at the Old City Cemetery in Monticello on Friday, May 20, they discovered that human remains had become exposed at one of the collapsed crypts.
Overall, 22 students from JROTC, FFA and two of Dr. Willet Boyer's social studies classes had joined together for the morning clean-up activity, with brushes to carefully remove dried moss from burial stones and lawn tools to clear away vines and leaves. As they worked, they were also documenting which historical markers and crypts that were damaged so that action could be planned to protect them and mitigate the damage.
Capt. Kevin White of JROTC said, “During the cemetery cleanup/ restoration project... our students found one of the old crypts which had collapsed and had an exposed human cranium visible on the western end. Dr. Boyer consulted with Dr. Kathryn Miyar, a bio-archaeologist specializing in human remains with the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, and Monticello's City Manager Seth Lawless. ”
Boyer explained that he then “recommended mitigation of the damage of the damage by removing the collapsed brick, filling the open vault with clean soil, and then replacing the collapsed brick on the surface. The City agreed and provided the fill for the purpose.” Boyer goes on to point out that “when human remains are found at a historical or archaeological site, it is critical to remember that you're dealing with one of the most sensitive kinds of finds, that there are specific legal and ethical procedures which MUST be followed, and that it is most important to show respect to the people buried at the site and their descendants.”
Thus, using appropriate procedures later on Friday, Boyer returned to the site with a professional crew as well as volunteers to complete the recommended mitigation of the crypt.
“We removed the fallen brick from the vault,” said Boyer, “cleaned the leaves from the soil, then filled the vault with clean soil. Once this was completed, we placed the fallen bricks back onto the ground surface, thereby respectfully closing the vault and mitigating the damage caused by the vault collapse.”
Capt. White commented, “Without the students keeping a watchful eye out as they were working the project, we wouldn't have been able to complete the mitigation and reinterment of the exposed burial.”
Aucilla Research Institute, where Boyer is an associate, has partnered with Jefferson Somerset and other local groups to protect and preserve historical and archaeological sites through the region. Monticello's Old City Cemetery is one of those sites. Jefferson County has153 recorded historical cemetery sites, which is nearly 10 percent of the total for the entire State of Florida.
“I deeply appreciate the opportunity to help Capt. White and our students with this project,” added Boyer, “and am thankful for the opportunity to place the skills and resources of ARI at the community's disposal to help protect and preserve sites of this kind... It is important for the community to protect and preserve these important parts of our history.”
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