When God Calls Us to a Mission, He equips us.
God calls each of us to service in the world. We imagine you have many requests and activities before you, but we, the local FCA organization, are asking that you deeply consider joining our worthy endeavor.
We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for sustaining our families, county and school through the tumultuous previous 5 years with COVID, a Charter enterprise, and our District leadership. However, FCA hopes it has the sufficient vicissitude of courage to move forward because our children need us.
Our youth need to understand, no matter what they encounter in school or in life, they need to focus on living a committed life whereas they can trust in the Heavenly Father’s promises to love them unconditionally, protect and guide them and supply their every need.
The hope of the FCA organization is to encourage the children to welcome the many changes in their lives with eager anticipation of self-discoveries, new relationships, finding satisfying careers and personal endeavors, but most significantly, to acquire spiritual and intellectual awakenings to help them on their life’s journey. FCA invites parents, school personnel, businesses, churches…the entire community to help ignite and carry out this eminent, purposeful, conscientious, concerted undertaking.
Please consider attending the “Come & See” informational meeting on October 16 at the Superintendent’s office 1480 W. Washington St. Monticello, FL from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Please pray for our students and for a way you can be more involved.
In His service,
Mary Madison