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As the new school year is now underway, and Jefferson Somerset looks to build upon last year’s successes as well as learn from any hiccups along the way, it is a good time for an overview of the school’s mission and vision and the partnership with Somerset Academies. The Jefferson Somerset School's mission is to promote a culture that maximizes student achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self-directed, life-long learners in a safe and enriching environment.
Jefferson Somerset’s vision is to be dedicated to providing equitable, high-quality education for all students.
The one-year-old partnership between Jefferson County and Somerset Academy, Inc. has already yielded positive results in the classroom and the community. The term “academic success” best describes Somerset’s learning community both collectively as an organization as well as at each individual school. The partnership and new school leadership has already raised the state-awarded grade for each campus a full letter grade better than the previous year: the high school received a “B” grade, its highest letter grade in well over a decade.
All Somerset schools implement the “neighborhood” school paradigm in their operations to consistently maintain a small school environment where students can excel and where parents are included in the process. Under the guidance of Somerset’s governing board, each individual school takes ownership of its program while maintaining and supporting a collective vision.
Each principal is given the authority to adapt curriculum and develop strategies for success, hire highly qualified staff and determine scheduling and programming that meet the needs of their communities.
The administrator also supervises the budget with guidance from Academica, a charter school service and support organization, and answers to the local school district (sponsoring agent), state and federal government.
As a cohesive team, the governing board, on-site administrators and staff create the collaborative managerial infrastructure for school operations that continues to drive Somerset’s success. This success is already translating to the campus of Jefferson Somerset, and the community will continue to see changes and improvements throughout the year. Good schools and students who succeed academically will also bring community pride and other improvements to the area over time. Jefferson County citizens can get behind the students and leaders at Jefferson-Somerset as volunteers and work with the school to find ways to serve and support one another.
For more information, please visit the school online at their website:
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