In this fast-paced life we live, we’re faced with too many demands and not enough time. From juggling a hectic work schedule, to getting the kids to ball practice and keeping up with the chores around the home, Life is chaotic.
I imagine this is how Martha felt in Luke 10. Jesus and His disciples, and likely many others, were at Martha’s house and her plate is loaded. In the King James Version, Luke 10:40 says, “But Martha was cumbered about much serving.” That word “cumbered” simply means distracted. Even though Jesus was in the house, she was distracted by her many tasks.
Martha does what any person stressed out would do, she calls for help. Instead of helping, her sister, Mary, had been sitting at Jesus’ feet the whole time, listening to every word He said. Martha goes to Jesus and demands that He make Mary get up and help, but Jesus answered her in a way she probably wasn’t expecting.
Jesus says to Martha, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things…” Notice the word Jesus used to describe her tasks: Many. Doesn’t that sound just like us? We’re worried and upset about the many things we have going on. It’s important to notice that Jesus never condemned Martha for her busyness. Jesus never said she shouldn’t serve or work in the kitchen. There was nothing wrong with doing those things. The problem was those many things distracted her from the ONE thing that was most important.
Jesus said to Martha in verse 42, “But one thing is necessary Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.” That one thing was hearing the Words of Jesus. In the midst of our busyness and fulfilling our daily tasks, it’s very important that we not miss the most important thing, and that’s the Word of God. Don’t allow your hectic schedule to deprive you of reading God’s Word, but instead, make it a priority. Begin your day reading the Word of God. Use your Bible or download a Bible app. Make time to spend in His Word. Choose the right thing.
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