Laura Young
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Anyone who needs diapers and baby wipes can get them for free on four upcoming Wednesday nights: March 26, April 2, April 9 and April 16. The First Methodist Church of Monticello is offering diapers that will fit newborns through size 5 on a first come, first served basis on these dates from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Those who pick up diapers are also invited by the church to enjoy a warm meal at 6 p.m.
“The aim of this project is to help supplement the needs of those who can't afford diapers,” said a church spokesperson. “While it would be impossible to meet every need in the county, the church hopes that by providing this limited quantity, perhaps it can make a difference for those families in need of assistance.”
The First Methodist Church of Monticello is located downtown at 325 W. Walnut St. For more information about the diaper give-aways, call (850) 997-5545.