Steve Cordle
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Walter Wiggins has been the minister at the Northside church of Christ in Monticello since 2018. Born and raised in Tallahassee, he ministers with the church as well as working as a superintendent for Riley Palmer Construction Company.
Walter and his wife Andrea have four children, Devon and Victoria are adults while Tremaine (10th) and Jalen (8th) are still home.
During his two years of ministering with Northside church of Christ, Walter’s favorite part of working with the saints at Northside is their unified commitment to the truth. Like a lot of ministers, Walter “had a desire to teach God's Word for a long time.” With the abrupt passing of Bro. Donald Johnson, Sr., Northside’s previous minister, who followed Bro. John Byrd, his grandfather, Walter, “saw it a privilege to become the minister at Northside. For years prior to Bro. Donnie's death, he'd label me as his understudy as we'd travel to gospel meetings and various works of the congregation.”
Prior to becoming the minister for the Northside church of Christ, Wiggins taught Bible study classes on Wednesday nights and the youth on Sunday mornings. Visitors are welcome at the Northside church of Christ, which meets at 615 N. Railroad Street in Monticello. Right now, due to COVID, they meet on Zoom and visitors can join by going to and select “join a meeting.” Northside’s meeting ID number is 867-112-9450, Password: 023725. For those who do not have internet access, can attend the meetings by calling (301) 715-8592. When prompted, enter the same meeting number and password as the online attendees.
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