I did not intend to write another letter as I have been a hog with sending them in before the election. However, on Wednesday morning, my daughter called me nearly in tears regarding the election. As the week went on, I spoke to a few others who are very upset about the outcome, as they really understand the negative repercussions of a Biden-Harris presidency. I just wanted to find the bottom line here.
We have a Constitution, which our legal system is based on, and our Constitution is based on the word of God. This whole mess will be condensed down into a court case, where evidence will become clear.
In a criminal case, the one who wins is of course the one with the most evidence. The defense is the legitimacy of this election.. Everyone knows that in any court case, the evidence is the most important. That is our legal system. Let's just say the prosecutor has overwhelming evidence and witnesses that this election was severely corrupt.
The defendant really cannot offer a defense, so as we know, this will be settled at the Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court votes against the prosecution, then we no longer have a Constitution. I won't even get into the repercussions of that. The bottom line is, I think we have a 99% chance of winning. There will be a rough time before the conclusion of this.
Best Regards,
Lawrence Beger