One more thing to like about Jefferson County Florida is citizen participation.
Like the rest of the country that recognized a change was needed, the Jefferson County Republican voter turnout in the last presidential election was over 92%, the highest voter turnout in the state.
I witnessed more citizen participation at our Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners meeting in the courthouse on 20 February 2025. A California developer had 8 professional people with papers, files, binders and even boxes of files who presented what appeared to be an air tight case for approval of a big truck stop at Nash Road and Highway 19. Citizen after citizen lined up to address the five commissioners with compelling reasons to deny the truck stop. Finally, after the grassroots army of self-governing citizens all said “No” the commissioners expressed their thoughts. One commissioner presented little known details about county land use designation by holding up a large poster map. Another commissioner recalled the history of the failed toll road mandated for Jefferson County. The vote was 3 – 1 – 1 to deny the truck stop.
This citizen participation is not unique for Jefferson County. The Jefferson Correctional Institution was doomed for closure in recent years but citizen participation saved it. A major toll road was destined for Jefferson County but citizen participation moved it elsewhere. The huge commercial development next to the Heritage Hills residential neighborhood on the northwest side of I-10 and Gamble Road has been paused due to citizen participation. Years ago, a move was underway to haul water by trucks from the Wacissa River to a water bottle plant in Madison County but once again citizen participation put a stop to that. And now the Nash Road truck stop with a traffic red light has been denied by citizens getting involved.
Our Constitution’s preamble, beginning with “We the people”, is in the hearts of Jefferson County citizens, as it should be, which is another thing to like about Jefferson County.
Bill Snyder