Ponderings…Carrots and Celery
I've always liked celery. The snap and watery crunch of it raw, the zippy flavor it offers when added to soups and stews. I enjoy it alone or paired with peanut butter or ranch as a tasty, refreshing snack. Ben does not share in my enjoyment of celery. He doesn't like it in any of its forms, cooked or raw, nor does he like it with any pairings. He believes it to be bitter and tasteless, a watery, culinary disappointment.
Ben loves carrots. He likes them in soups, in stews, seasoned with salt or simmered in cinnamon and honey; he'll eat them any way you can make them. I'll enjoy some carrots raw, but that's about as far as I'll go with them. I think they are too sweet to add to soups, and to
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